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Christoffer Schistad: hello Eva Mohn, good morning

Christoffer Schistad: u going to school today?

Yeah, I can't miss more classes.

Christoffer Schistad: okay

Why did you leave yesterday night?

Christoffer Schistad: i didn't think you'd be comfortable with me staying the night

Christoffer Schistad: you were deep asleep so I put you to bed, cleaned everything up and left

Christoffer Schistad: hope you're not mad

No, I'm not.

Thank you for spending the day with me.

Christoffer Schistad: no problem

Christoffer Schistad: also....... pls dont get mad


Christoffer Schistad: your friends might ask you about me.....

What? Why?

Christoffer Schistad: they sorta came to your house yesterday to see how you were doing and you were asleep so i opened the door ://

Oh jesus

Christoffer Schistad: im sorry

Christoffer Schistad: i didn't tell you yesterday because you were really upset about your mom so i didn't want to stress or upset you even more

Okay, don't worry about it.

Christoffer Schistad: u sure?


Christoffer Schistad: amazing

Christoffer Schistad: i gotta go now but i'll see you in school

Christoffer Schistad: see you later Eva Mohn


I had gone all morning trying to avoid the girls, I really didn't want to answer the hundred questions they probably had. On breakfast time I went to the library but now it was lunch time I had to go to the cafeteria and the girls would be there for sure. I sighed knowing I had to face them and walked my way there. 

I walked inside the cafeteria and saw the girls sitting on the same table as always. I quickly paid for my lunch and headed over to where they were. They were all looking at me, Sana raised her eyebrows and smiled while Vilde had the most serious facial expression I had ever seen in her. Noora was looking at her phone and Chris was just following my every move while still eating.

I sat next to Noora and as soon as she felt my body next to her she blocked her phone and put it in her pocket and looked at me smiling. I put my food on the table and started to eat, all their gazes were on me I almost choked on my salad. I looked up wondering when they'll finally start talking. 

Sana was the first to break the uncomfortable silence by asking the very first question, "So.... Penetrator Chris....?" she trailed off. I didn't feel like talking so I simply said "what about him?" they all looked puzzled and Vilde exploded. "We know he was at your house yesterday. And we figured out you guys have been talking for a while" she said. I swallowed the food in my mouth "By figuring out you mean Noora told you?" I asked raising my eyebrows and the three girls looked down. 

Unknown Number // Chris + EvaWhere stories live. Discover now