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*I do not own any edits in the media* Part 2 of Chapter 1

Art class first period was not the worst class to have first. Growing up I learned to express my feelings towards a blank canvas and a bunch of colors. Walking down the hallway of the senior wing I finally found the hidden art room. Immediately recognizing some familiar faces. For one I see Grayson, he was sitting next to Alex lightly laughing. His head would slightly tilt back, a loud melodious laugh seeping out. I always loved his laugh, it was the type to make you laugh too. He had the type of laugh where his perfect white teeth would shine bright and show perfectly through his full pink lips. I could spend an eternity on just thinking about his laugh. 

"Ms.Hill, are you okay?" I turn around to see a blonde short woman, seems about young, glasses that had a black frame, the brightest blue eyes you would ever see. How she knew my name is the mystery but teachers always had that power right? even at the young age of five, you wondered how the teacher knew your name before the first day of school, and how they put your name was written on a random desk.

"Just fine" I looked down embarrassed with a light pink blush rushing to cheeks, not realizing I have been staring. Taking the seat next to some random kid who was sitting by himself on his phone. He was more on the tan side, toned body, the type you would see on a Hollister bag, his hair has a bit of a quiff but looked more on the natural side. Just by his side profile, he seemed good looking. Setting my bag down and pulling out the stool, this seems to grab his attention but turned back to his phone. Okay then... Reaching down to the bag I hear him begin to speak.

"Hi, I'm Cameron" He turned off his phone before placing in on the table, turning his full attention to me.

"Hi I'm Victoria, but everyone calls me Tori" I smiled and turning to face him

"Well, Tori are you new? I haven't seen you around before"

"It's my first day as freshman "

"Wow you look much older than I would've thought" 

"I get that a lot" Which is true, I have been told I look around 17.

"What grade are you in?" I ask, maybe he is in the same grade as Kyle

"Twelfth" he nodded his head, just as I was about to speak the woman from before began to speak. Telling the class her name and how Art was not the subject to mess around with and how seriously this class is taken. As she continues to talk about how important a visual art is, I felt my phone vibrate in my backpack. DIsscretley as possible I take out my phone to see Grayson text. Pulling my phone underneath the desk to read:

Gray- Why are you sitting with Cameron?

Me- I had nowhere else to sit

Just as I was about to put my phone away, of course now she sees me and calls me out... Thanks Gray

"Ms. Hill is that a phone I see?" All the attention is turned towards me, the room was so quiet you could hear a needle drop.

"Yes," my voice never became so quiet. Having the feeling of everyone looking at me while I was being yelled out was beyond embarrassing.

"Who were you texting?" does this bitch really need to know everything. What does she expect me to say 'oh yeah Grayson Dolan the hottest person in the room just texted me' before I could speak up Grayson did surprisingly.

"I texted her something stupid, not a big deal" This seemed to really piss her off, the way her eye twitched, and seeing clearly she was clenching her jaw but was actually pretty funny not exactly expect Grayson to defend me.

"If it's not so big of a deal, why don't you and Ms.Hill see me after school?" she had a slight smirk on her face, proud that she thought she had a good comeback to a few teenagers that were texting during class. Wow does she want a cookie? We both just stayed quiet, not wanting to drag more attention towards us then needed. She went back to talking about the syllabus, how much projects counted, how are tests were like and so on. The bell finally rang making my out of my seat, Cameron began to talk to me.

"You're friends with Grayson?" he looks at me shocked

"Eh kinda, he's my one of my brother's best friends" Which is true, sure I was closer to him than Ethan or Alex, but our conversations mainly didn't last longer than five minutes. 

"Who's your brother?" We began to walk out of the class and into the hallway.

"Kyle" He's nothing special just a disgusting, mean  older brother.

"Really?" he raises his eyebrows. Why is so curious about all of this, it's not that big of a deal.

"Yeah..." He finally sensed that I wasn't into the conversation.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he smiles and walks off, but before I could even get a thought in, Grayson bombards me.

"Why were you sitting with him?"He walks with me

"Well hello to you too" I barley event talked to him and this is the first thing he says to me

 "Why were you sitting with him" he stops me and with a full serious tone, I knew he was serious because his voice got low, eyebrows slightly scrunched, and his pupils were dilated.

"Because I had nowhere else to sit" I look up at him and began to walk off, I was going to be late but Grayson grabbed his wrists.

"You could've sat with me and Alex" 

"Why is this bothering you so much?" It's not like he did anything to hurt me or make me feel uncomfortable.

"He's dangerous, I don't anything to happen" This made my heart melt, he cares for me. One more reason why I fell in love with him but Cameron didn't do anything to me.  How bad could he be?

"I'm going to be late for class" I get out of his grip 

"Tori please keep your distance" his voice almost be desperate, why? I just lightly nodded my head and walked to second period English the only class Cam, Brooke, and I all have together.



Its coming to a slow start but this should be getting interesting soon

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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