Chapter 22

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Eight years old
Chase's POV
It has been four months since the incident with Cindy and here we all are waiting for her to have her pup. Cody is pacing outside the door quietly growling to himself because his wolf wants to be in there as does he. "Honey stop pacing you'll wear a hole through the floor," said Leon as he placed his arms around Cody's waist and pulled him into his chest at which Cody melted to his touch taking calming breaths. "I'm good, thank you," Cody said placing his lips on Leon's and giving him a light kiss. Watching them I pouted at which Leon came an embraced me and placed a kiss on my mark at which I shivered and he smirked against my skin. "That's enough of that now dear we are here for a reason now let's get back to waiting," I said and he let go of me and sat on the chairs behind us and it took everything in me not to let out a whimper from the loss of contact.

Suddenly our attention was drawn to the medical room Cindy was in as she started to scream and yelling, all of us knew what was happening and not soon after the screams got louder as did the yelling. And after an agonising twenty minutes, we finally hear the cries of a baby. The cries kept sounding as shuffling in the room was clear and then the baby's cries were cut short when the shuffling stopped. The door then opened and out came Dr Sims with a bright smile. "Alphas you may now enter but the patient will need sleep soon," said the doctor. "Thank you, doctor," said Cody and he was then away into the room and we followed him in. "Hi, Cindy how you holding up," I asked as I and Leon walked into the room after Cody who was already at her side. "I feel tired but content," she said as she held a bundle of blankets close to her. "So what gender is your pup," Cody asked as he looked down tentatively at the small pup. "My pup is male Alpha and he's beautiful," said Cindy turning her pup so his face was shown to us, and he did look so cute and innocent. Dr sims then asked us to leave so Cindy could feed her pup and then rest. "Since that's over you and Cody should head to the school I hear there has been chaos since you both ran out the school," said Leon at which we blushed before pecking him on his cheeks and rushing towards the school.

"Leon's POV
Today's the day I'm going to propose to my mates but I need help to do it. "Oh hey Leon what was up with you this morning you running out of a meeting will grate on your reputation," said Ralph as he approached me from the game room where I heard someone shouting for a rematch. "Ah yes sorry about that Cindy was delivering her pup and I had to clam down Cody cause he wanted to be as close as possible as his wolf is so protective" I replied with a nervous chuckle we both know Cody's wolf has a knack for taking over when he shouldn't. "Oh I understand well," said Ralph. "Say Ralph could you help me with something," I asked already formulating a plan. "Yeah sure, what do you need" asked Ralph with a tilt of his head. "I need your help in setting up my proposal to Chase and Cody" I replied scared of how he might react. "Yes I'll help but we need a women's touch," said Ralph as his face took on a look of thoughtfulness.

He was right that was what I have been missing. With that in mind, we went to go find Coral and Amy, we found them in the nursery tending to pups and hatchlings alike. "Umm excuse me ladies but I need some help" I sated as I entered the room careful to keep my voice low as to make sure I didn't wake any of the pups or hatchlings. "Okay alpha shoot," said Amy as she put a hatchling into a crib. "I'm proposing to Chase and Cody today but I need some ideas," I said slightly embarrassed asking these two. "Well what you want to do is tell them what they mean to you preferably in song and treat them to a fantastic fancy dinner with champagne with rose petals in the moonlight under a tree in the wilds have your pups give them clues and pop the big question" said Coral dreamily but with a sad look on her face because she was rejected by her mate but all in all her idea was brilliant.  "Well people we don't have all day let's get started Said Ralph and through the mind-link spoke to a few people we needed the help of like Jolene, Siena, Ronnie Alex and my mom Jane, Along with myself, Ralph, Coral and Amy we went to work. Amy was in Charge if organising our family photos, Coral and my mom Jane were on food detail. Siena and Jolene were on decoration detail. Ronnie and Alex were on flowers detail an I had picked the perfect spot to have our dinner it was a slow running waterfall flowing into a river that sat in the middle of a clearing in the forest outside our home. My self and Ralph were off to get the rings I ordered the rings for my beloved's.

With all the jobs handed out, I went with Ralph to the jewellers in the community I had special order the rings for Chase and Cody I had discreetly taken their ring sizes whilst playing with their fingers when we'd curl up to watch a movie. When we walked in the dragon female behind the desk smiled brightly at me. "Here are your rings my lord Leon," said Eve as she opens a box which revealed to rings of the same design, I had asked for two rings that were simple sliver bands with the words my loves written on each of them. "Thank you, Eve, I love them I'm sure my mates will to," I said very pleased that my order was fulfilled with efficiency. "Your welcome Lord I also hope that I can be of service for your wedding rings," said Eve just as we stepped outside the shop and headed back towards the packhouse.

Omega Twins and dragon shifter mate (Royal Werewolf series Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ