Chapter 14

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4 years old
Chase's POV
It's just after school and the pups all come in and bring with them what they have made at school, and showing them with big grins on their face. "Come on pups time for dinner and then we can go to the park," said Leon while I smiled at him. "Where's Cody," Leon asked and it was a good question. "I think he might still be sorting a few things out at school" I replied, Leon gave a thoughtful look and then his eyes shimmered mischievously. I wonder what he's planning. We were all finishing up dinner when Cody appeared looking sort of distraught but happy. Leon was first to his feet wanting to comfort one of his mates.

"What's wrong love," Leon asked with tenderness in his voice." I need you to come with me," Cody said breathlessly. That was all it took for me and Leon to leave the pups in the care of coral, and to see what Cody wanted. When we reached the office and Cody opened the door we saw a girl there moving her eyes around fast and furiously. "Who are you, you smell like there is a scent lingering on you from someone we have once met," said, Leon. "My name is Amy Moyers and I need to deliver some information to you all," she said. Once we were all seated she started to speak again, "I come bearing news from a pack who has a revenge issue with your pack" she said. "What" Leon roared. "Do you remember the first ball you had to announce that you found your mates and they were having pups Sir Leon?" she asked. "Yes I do, why?"Leon replied. "You killed two males on that day remember," she asked. "Yes, but what ate you getting at" Leon replied.

"The mate of Alpha Will is plotting revenge against you, your mates and your pack and clan," she said, and then I remembered something that female was pregnant and she swore we would pay. "Why are you telling us this" Cody spoke up. "I have witnessed your power first hand and you are my kings and I do not want any part in her plan so I ask to join your pack," she said. Before I could even think this through Cody spoke, "yes you can as long as you are loyal only to the werewolf kings and their family". "Yes, I swear my life to my kings and their family" she replied. "Now do you know her full plan," I asked. "She is planning on an all-out attack during school hours, her targets are the high ranking pups as well as you three, she will attack three days from now with a force two hundred strong," said Amy. "I have a plan, we are to carry on as normal until the third when we keep everyone off school and stand in our animal forms at the front of the mansion. Amy those in your pack who do not fight along with the pups you will lead to the school and stay there until you hear Leon's roar followed by two howls, we will confront the rest and kill if need be but will only injure wolves who are following orders" Said Cody. That was our plan Amy would go to her pack and persuade wolves to join her so she could take the pups out of harm's way along with those who didn't fight.

Three days later
The school was called off today so we could wait out the attack. "Alpha Chase unfamiliar wolves have entered the territory and are all heading towards the school and a strike squad of five is moving towards the pack house," said a warrior wolf with the name of Ben. "Thank you, Ben, wait for the signal and then attack," I said and stopped concentrating so hard on the mindlink but kept it open. "Alright I want Ronnie, John and four warriors to stay here and capture the Strike squad with the assistance of two dragons, while the rest of us head to the school," I said with a slight growl. "Also all pups and those not fighting in the safe room where seven warriors will stand guard," Cody said and specially chose the warriors to guard the pups.

We then set out quietly towards the school and sat in wait until it was time to strike. Five minutes into waiting for a force of wolves broke through the bushes and I spotted Amy leading young wolves and elderly wolves into the school trying not to draw attention to themselves. Then she-wolf came forward and from the way they moved away from her she must be their leader, the signal of Ralph and Leon circling the school meant it was time to attack. I let out the loudest snarl I could muster and then we all broke through the bushes startling the opposing pack before us. Cody had already lost control and was sitting on his haunches ready to attack. "You disgusting creatures destroyed my mate so I will destroy you and your pack," she said and shifted. "Cody and his wolf we don't want to kill the leader just critically injure her," I said through the mind link.

Then Cody couldn't take it he had to defend our pups so launched himself into fighting taking down any wolf that was in his way but his aim was not to kill it was to cripple, so all the wolves that seemed hesitant to fight but were forced to were only injured enough that they wouldn't stand up. However, those who had the intention of killing were ended right their and then with Ralph and Leon breathing fire on the dead bodies and catching any wolves trying to attack from behind. Three wolves then walked toward Cody baring their teeth two of the jump but the third was not going so I jumped on the third one and growl at it to stay down and bit softly in to its paw just enough to draw blood and it then stayed still, by the looks of it, it was a she-wolf and is possibly pregnant. The two wolves attacking Cody had already been dealt with and were burning in Silver flames. Just three wolves remained the leader and two betas who were just watching the fighting.

The dead wolves were burning in flames but the ones who weren't fighting just lay on the ground in defeat. Cody myself and the warriors all had blood dripping from our jaws as we formed a circle around them. Both Beta's attacked a single unmated male wolf from our pack closing jaws on his spine and he howled out in pain which cause four of our warriors to attack them ending them swiftly and throwing them onto a burning wolf. I asked a single warrior to carry the wolf back to the packhouse and get the doctor to treat him through the mind link, before turning my attention to the she-wolf. I advanced toward her and she lunged for me so I jumped biting her between her shoulder blades which paralysed her and forced her to shift back into her human form. I got wolves to carry the injured back to the packhouse and to the doctors while we carried the hostages to the dungeon to await judgement.

When all the injured were handed over to the pack doctors Leon let out a roar and I followed by howling and which caused Cody to howl than the pack howled as a sign of victory. Then Amy emerged with young pups, older pups and elderly as well as five adult female wolves who were pregnant and ready to pop so I ordered them to go for observation and within the next few hours all gave birth to healthy pups. "Alpha Chase Alpha Cody I need to speak with you," said Amy. I nodded my wolf head and shifted and got tossed two pairs of pants for me and Cody I pulled them on and Cody put him on. "What is it," I asked. "These pups while some may have a living family the rest are orphans what do we do" she replied sorrowfully. "Simple some mates are not able to conceive their own pups so we ask them to raise them," Cody said. "But what about the Alpha's pups and the Beta's" she asked. "Well first of all who are their pups," I asked and she pointed to the four smallest pups and I nodded. "They will be raised by Beta John and his mate" I decided because I knew they were having trouble producing their own pups. With that, I left to check on everyone with Cody and the she-wolf I spared had three pups curled around her I walked in and she looked up assessing us to make sure we weren't threats to her pups.

"My Kings I thank you for sparing my life which in turn spared three more lives," she said gratefully "your welcome our intention was not to kill however certain wolves paid the price for their one stupidity," I said. "May I ask you two things?" she asked. "Yes," I replied. "How many more wolves were spared and may we all join your pack, great kings," she said. "First off around forty wolves were spared and the joining ceremony will occur in five days because two days from now is our youngest four pups birthday," said Cody and we left at that. While going past the rooms we Came to the section of the in house hospital reserved for the higher-ups and Leon was in a hospital bed.

I rushed forward into the room where he was hooked up to machines and Cody came in when he realised it was Leon in the bed. "What's wrong with you," I asked slightly panicked that something was wrong. "Nothing though it seems he has just entered his mating heat the same as you too but his will last four days," said doctor Sims. "Oh no the pups birthday we had so many things planned," said Leon but his scent was flaring and he already smelled aroused. "Don't worry we will ask Coral, May, Ronnie, Alex, Siena and Jolene to take them out?" said Cody and he sent the message across the mind link and we took Leon to our room.

Mature content
Cody gently placed Leon on the bed as his sent grew more intoxicating and stripped him bare and his member was as hard as a rock. Cody had already undressed and was kissing Leon passionately and I removed my own clothing and started preparing him to take us once he was stretched I entered him which caused him to moan loudly while arching his back as Cody continued to lick and kiss him around his neck chest and torso as I kept pounding roughly into him but that wasn't enough so Cody then placed his member inside Leon along with my own which caused all three of us to moan as Leon's walls squeezed us together. We then started fucking him into the bed with unrestrained desire as our wolves pushed to the surface biting him were his marks were which then caused us to cum. The next few days are going to be fun as we settled for a few hours sleep before Leon had his next burst of heat.

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