Part 2 Meeting

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I lived in a small town and went to a small high school.
It was my freshman year of high school.
I had only one friend, but now I wouldn't even call her that.

We had a garden court yard at this school and you could eat outside during lunch.

I took this chance to try and find new friends.

I am not a shy person.

Just very oblivious.

I went up to almost anyone who seemed interesting.

But hey it was my first day. Not many wanted to talk, they kept to them selves.

Or at least kept to there groups.

I meet this one group in particular, a very interesting group.
The type of people who smiled and went hunting, the type to go mudding and wore camo on the daily.

There I saw him.

At first I didn't think any of it.

The other people in the group were super nice.

Some of them I'm even friends with today.

I noticed him staring at me, but still I thought nothing of it.

After lunch,

We have 5th hour.


We had assigned seats, of course the teacher was one of those snooty booty type.

The boy.

The boy was assigned next to me.

We began to talk,

And remember I am no strangers to strangers.

Later into that year he became my best friend.

He was so nice, nice to everyone.

He was the "good guy" type.

He came from a broken family,
, and had problems dating.

The girls would always break up with him because he was way to clingy.

Which in fact he was.

He was in love with ideal of love and keeping together,
because of his mother and fathers separation.

We were best friends by the end of the year.
He told me everything.

I was best friends with some of his girlfriends,
I even pushed some of my other friends to date him.

He was cute.

He wore leather jackets and white Ts.

Knew how to work on cars at 15.

So no doubt he was popular with the girls.

And I have no clue how I became friends with him.

It was almost the end of the year at this point.

He was the only guy at the school to make me laugh.

Our English teacher made us read Romeo and Juliet.

And after  we read it, we watched the movie.

It was then that I realized when Juliet went to the balcony to confess one another's love, he stared at me.

I would catch his gaze from time to time
And from there it felt awkward.

That was my first time feeling anything from our relationship as best friends.

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