Chris and I staggered up to our room after one. I collapsed on the bed my legs hanging over the side. Chris started to undress me, starting with my shoes.

"How you feeling? You know, about stuff." I asked waving my hands around in the air.

He laughed throwing my shoe across the room. "I'll be fine. It helped. Beer helps."

I started giggling. "You fucking idiot."

"You're so mean to me, Emily." He said crawling over me, placing kisses up my stomach.

"Not mean. Honest."

Chris unbuttoned my fly and dragged my jeans down.

"Hey Em?"


He paused a moment and made a pained expression. "I kept thinking about how I liked watching him fuck you. Is that weird?"

I reached for him and he lay down on top of me and we wrapped our arms around each other. "It's not weird. It was fun having sex with both of you. It's normal to think about things you enjoyed doing."

"But it made me go crazy later."

"It sure did. You thought I'd go have fun without you. You forgot something though, didn't you?"

"What's that?"

"You're stuck with me, pal."

* * * * *

The next day we headed over to the convention centre as a group with security surrounding us. I had intended to sit backstage and watch the Avengers panel and then head out to check out the exhibition hall while Chris did autographs and meet up with him later on, we had tickets to see Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark that night with Tom. I was stupidly excited for a Marvel musical, I didn't even give one single shit that the reviews were bad.

We were standing around backstage, I was holding Chris' hand. He was a little seedy today, but I could also tell he was a bit nervous.

"I have pot candy. Want some?" I whispered into Chris' ear.

He cocked an eyebrow at me and smirked. "You what? Where did you even get it?"

"Look at who you're talking to. Want some?"

He shook his head. "No, better not. Later maybe."

"Well it's right here." I said patting my TARDIS backpack. "So just let me ..." I trailed off as I noticed Chris Hardwick enter the room.

Chris started laughing as I pointed at him.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked sounding a little perplexed.

"Celebrity crush just entered the room." Chris said patting Tom on the back.

"You should say hello then, Emmy." Tom said. Oh he meant well. "Chris!" He called waving Hardwick over.

I squeaked and hid my head behind Chris.

Hardwick greeted both Chris and Tom, introducing himself to them in his casual nerdy way.

"Chris, I wanted to introduce you to one of my best friends, Emily. She's a bit shy to say hello herself."

Hardwick turned to me. "Shy of me? But you're clinging to Captain America's arm and Loki just called you his best friend."

I could feel my face was bright red. "Well to be fair, he wasn't Captain America when I met him. He was just Johnny Storm, and who's that supposed to impress?"

"Hey!" Chris chided. Tom and Hardwick laughed.

"I listen to your podcast all the time. My friend Gaby and I went to a couple of your Doctor Who things back in LA."

Kiss the Girl: A Chris Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now