I had too (RWBY)

22 0 1

(FireBallin'45 has entered the chatroom)

FireBallin'45: Hey Eb

(ColorfulFighter16 has entered the chatroom)

Sup :ColorfulFighter16

Where r u @? :ColorfulFighter16

FireBallin'45: Crow Bar.

Wat? :ColorfulFighter16

FireBallin'45: It's this bar that my uncle qrow took me and ruby to.

Oh. Is he drunk? :ColorfulFighter16

FireBallin'45: Yup.

Lol. Record him. I heard that drunk people are funny and I wanna see him in action. :ColorfulFighter16

FireBallin'45: Way ahead of you, Eb.

Other than watching your drunk uncle, how are you and ruby killing time? :ColorfulFighter16

FireBallin'45: Oh nothing.

(Fireballin'45 sent a picture)

(Fireballin'45 sent a picture)

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xD Lol :ColorfulFighter16

FireBallin'45: We couldn't help, ourselves.

I would've done the same. :ColorfulFighter16

FireBallin'45: XD Omg qrow.

What's happenin'? :ColorfulFighter16

FireBallin'45: He started cawing.

xD I can't breath. :ColorfulFighter16

FireBallin'45: I gotta go take care of my drunkle qrow now. I'll see you later.

Okay. Lates. :ColorfulFighter16

(FireBallin'45 has logged out of the chatroom)

(ColorfulFighter16 has logged out of the chatroom)

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