Chapter eight

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Chapter eight


When I awoke the next morning I was greeted by the smell of bacon. Grinning, I lifted myself out of my bed and straightened up my clothes, walking out of my room as I went. Bounding down the stairs, I was careful not to trip on the way down. When I finally arrived in the kitchen, I watched my mother take the sizzling bacon out of the frying pan and into a plate, looking up at me with a smile.

"I see you smelled the bacon."

Looking up at her, I smiled. "Yeah, sure did! It smelled so good..." I trailed off, looking at the bacon on the plate.

"Well, I'm almost done so could you get two cups and fill them with orange juice, or milk, or really anything!" she grinned, flipping over some other bacon on another pan. I decided to follow her instructions and got out two cups from the cabinet, and walked over to the refrigerator and picked out orange juice for my mom and milk for me.

I set them on the table and turned to face her, "I got you orange juice, is that okay?" she nodded and smiled. I decided to sit down, and wait for the food to be done. Setting the table, I put the cups in there correct places on the table, and putting some forks and spoons.

"Did you cook anything else?" I asked once I was seated at the table. "I set out some forks and spoons, just in case."

She looked over at me and replied, "Actually, I did. I made some pancakes earlier, and if you want we have some cereal, somewhere around here..." she trailed off, turning around and flipping the bacon over. "What are you planning to do today, Allie? Its Sunday today, so I guess you could do whatever you want."

I thought about it, there was really nothing I wanted to do. I didn't want to go to the mall, since I've been there so many times in the past couple of weeks. "I guess I'm going to stay home today, just spend it lying around or whatever."

She thought about it, "Alright sounds good. I'm planning to go to town and visit some old friends a couple of towns over, I won't be home till' tonight. So make sure you lock the door and be careful!"

"Alright, I'll be careful."

She smiled, "alright, good. The food is done! Come get your plate!"

I got up and retrieved my plate, and carried it back to the table. We both sat down and started eating; I got about five strips of bacon and two pancakes. Me and my mom talked about random things, laughing about some past memories we shared. Once we finished, I helped her clean the table and wash the dishes. Once we were finished, she told me that she needed to get ready, and I could just do whatever I wanted.

I walked up the stairs, and walked into my room. I didn't want to spend the whole day in here, I know that for sure. While my thoughts consumed me, I started to think about everything that's happened to me while I was here.

First, I saw Claire and Allyson again, and they were total whores who needed help. Second, I made some friends my first day, plus Kenny. Third, I kept on having random dreams that make no sense. I mean what was this about a black wolf, and a man trying to kill me in my dreams? Characters of your dreams have to be someone you've seen before, no matter what. The mind cannot make up characters for your dreams; it has to be someone you've seen out on the streets, or anywhere for that matter. Where have I seen the black wolf? Who was the man in my dreams trying to kill me? I guess because I didn't see his face doesn't mean I know him....

Snapping out of my thoughts, I decided to change out of my PJ's and go for a run around town. I stripped out of my clothes and put on some shorts and a tank top and a sweatshirt, and slipped on some running shoes. Walking down the stairs, I made sure mom was gone and stopped on my way out to get a quick cup of water and drinking it before running out of the house and starting my run.

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