Chapter two*

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Chapter 2


"YOU UGLY FAT, BITCH!" Claire yelled at me.

"Why don't you leave and never come back?!" Allyson yelled, pushing me down. I groaned and looked up at them. Claire and Allyson's face wore the same expression; hate and rage.

"W-why are you d-doing this?" I croaked.

"None of your business!" they screamed picking me up and pulling my pants down to show off my mickey mouse underwear.

"OMG! LOOK AT HER UNDERWEAR!" Claire yelled pointing toward me. Everybody turned to me and started pointing and laughing. They were supposed to be my friends...what happened?

"THEY’RE LIKE A FREAKING 5 YEAR OLDS!" Allyson exclaimed doubling over in laughter. I forced myself not to cry; it would only make it worse. What did I do to deserve this? Last week we were the best of friends; and now...they’re pulling my pants down and making fun of me. I got up and pulled my pants up. After dusting myself off I tried to make my way around Claire and Allyson but they wouldn't move.

"Where do you think your going, bitch?" Claire asked, smirking. I tried to move around them again, but they wouldn't budge.

"Please, let me go!" I cried.

"Not until..." Allyson trailed off and pushed me down. I cried out in pain and watched as she kicked my stomach making my fat move around.


"AHHHH!" I screamed, falling off the bed and landing on the floor head first. I groaned not wanting to get up; I had tears streaming down my face and snot dripping out of my nose. It all felt so real...

"HONEY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" my mother asked peeking her head in. When she saw I was on the floor she rushed in and helped me up.

"Are you ok?" she asked, concern plastered on her face.

"Yeah...It was just a bad dream," I said shrugging it off.

"What was it about?" she questioned.

"Dad..." I said, lying. She didn't know what Allyson and Claire did; she thought we just had a big fight and I was over-reacting.

"Oh honey! It's alright! He's in a better place now."

"I know," I sniffled. "I'm alright now, thanks for coming in here mom," I said giving her a hug.

"No problem sweetie! I was thinking about going to visit a friend’s house today but if you don't want me to I cou-"

I cut her off, "NO! I mean...You should go...Get out of the house!" I said. I really wanted her to go, I really needed to go check out the woods.

"Are you sure? I could always stay here with you."

"I'm sure, go have fun!" I replied.

"Alright...I'll be home tonight," she said hugging me. I hugged her back and watched her step out of my room and into the hallway.

I got up and went to my window watching her get in the car before she drove away. Sighing, I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I gasped; I looked HORRIBLE! My usually bouncy blonde hair was sticky and matted toward my head. My tan body was now really pale and I had dry snot all over my face.

I sighed, stripped off my clothes and got into the shower. I turned the water on cold and bathed in coldness. When I finally got out I wrapped myself with a towel I found laying around. Going into my room I pulled out some white shorts and a old tee-shirt I got when I attended my old boarding school. I changed into those clothes, went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and did my make-up. After I pulled out five pairs of clothes and sat them on my bed, I went into the bathroom to curl my hair.

I'M BACK BITCHES!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin