Chapter three*

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Chapter 3


I stepped out of the car and was greeted with dead silence. Everyone was looking at me.

Maybe it was because of my car, I gulped and straightened my bag. I looked around for Allyson and Claire, but I couldn't see them. Taking a deep breath, I started walking up the parking lot, my boots making clicking sounds with every step I took.


I was halfway through the parking lot when someone's phone went off. It was playing 'Sexy Back,' I smirked and started walking to the beat of the song.

'I'm bringing sexy back, (yeah) them other boys don't know how to act. (yeah) I think you special watch behind you back, (yeah) so turn around and I'll pick up the slack. (Yeah)’

‘Dirty babe, you see these shackles baby I'm you slave. I'll let you whip me if I misbehave. It's just that no one makes me feel this way.'

The song ended right when I reached the doors of my old school. I turned around to find that their eyes were still on me. Getting annoyed, I wanted to yell out, "TAKE A PICTURE IT’LL LAST LONGER!" But being the nice person I am, I just flashed them a smile and walked in.

*Chase POV*

My thoughts were about the brown wolf; I couldn't get her out of my head. The way her tail moved back and forth when she's thinking very hard about something. The way the sun makes her fur sparkle like a million stars ready to burst.

When I got up, I thought about her.

When I got ready for school, I thought about her.

When I drove to school, all I could think about was her.

I then realized I was in the parking lot, sitting there like a idiot. I took off my seatbelt and turned off my car. Another day at this boring, old school. Sighing, I stepped out and was immediately swarmed with my friends, but also not without the usual sluts.

"Hey man!" My best friend Dustin greeted me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey Chase...want to go somewhere private?" Layla asked trailing her hand up my arm. This would have been sexy yesterday, but I wasn't feeling it. I shook them all off and looked around for something, but I didn't know what. Shaking my head, I tried to focus on everything around me.

Most of the whores were staring at me like eye-candy and the guys were fooling around. I would usually be in the center of it all, but today I didn't feel the need too. My thoughts traveled back to the brown wolf.

She's my mate.

But she can't have me, no way.

I just have to make sure not to follow her scent anymore, that's it. Simple task, nothing more, nothing less.

"Hey Chase, fancy meeting you here," Allyson said walking up to me and pulling me into a forced hug.

"Yeah Chase, fancy meeting you here," Claire said, right behind her. She grabbed me and thrusted me into her grasp, rubbing her boobs all over my chest. I usually loved this, but today, I just wasn't feeling it.

"Hey Claire, Allyson," I greeted looking at them. Allyson and Claire are just another pair of washed up barbies. They used to be cool, average, using there brains before there boobs, but then one of there friends moved and I guess they thought they could change.

"You ok? You look, lost," Claire said looking at me with fake concern.

"Yes, yes, of course. Just thinking," I said pointing at my head. They both giggled and walked off, both of them swinging their hips. I made a disgusted face and walked over to the guys.

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