Chapter six*

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Chapter 6


            “C- Can you please help me?” I whimpered, my tears threatening to spill over. The room was dark, and the only thing I could see was a human figure slowly walking over to me with a knife.

            “Shhh, this will be over soon, this will be over soon enough….” He quickly walked over to me, and slashed the knife across my forehead, the pain hitting me immediately. I tried to move my hands to feel my wounds, but my hand was tied behind my back in a secure knot.

            “I know it hurts, but you deserve it. Think of what you have done to me and my family! YOU FILTHY SLUT!” he screamed at me, slashing the knife again, but this time hitting my thigh. I groaned in pain. What in the world is he talking about? He must be crazy, I’ve never done anything that would put me in this situation: tied up with gashes.

            “I- I- I have know idea what you’re talking about. Please stop,” I croaked. The pain was excruciating, the blood from my forehead started pooling around my eyes to where I couldn’t see anything but a red haze.

            “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Allie. Don’t lie. I know what you’ve done!” he screamed again, making me cringe.

            “I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’VE FUCKING DONE! ALL I KNOW IS THAT YOU’RE A FUCKING LUNATIC AND WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE I’M CALLING THE FUCKING POLICE!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I needed to get out of here, and fast.

            He smirked, “You’re never getting out of here, Allie. It’s your entire fault. I’m just here to make you pay...”

            I woke up screaming. The pain, the voice, it was all so real…

            God, I must be crazy.

            Taking in my surroundings, I realized it was the crack of dawn. Sighing, I decided to get up and go in the woods to walk around, clear my mind, and relax a little. When I got up, I wobbled to the bathroom and gasped at what I saw. My hair is everywhere, creating the illusion that I just got done having rough sex. My face is pale white, snot covering my nose. I washed my face, brushed my hair, put on deodorant, and brushed my teeth before I got dressed in a pair of faded jeans and an old sweat shirt. I was ready to head into the woods and relax.

            The woods smelled like it always did: fresh and amazing. I walked around aimlessly, taking in the various trees and plants that I came across. Everything was alive, in its own way. The birds chirped the squirrels collected nuts. The tress rustled when an animal moved, or when sudden gusts of wind flew in. I loved it.

            I took my time, just wondering around, not paying attention to the time at all. I decided not to shift, but to just enjoy it in my human form. Words could not explain how I felt right now. I was relaxed, I felt real, amazing, calm, happy. Some emotions I haven’t felt the whole time I’ve been home.

            Why hasn’t Jared tried to contact me? It’s been a week. He should have at least called or something. He must be busy, I mean being a top notch student is hard. Annie, well, that girl must be having problems again. Her parents rejected her, for being bisexual. It wasn’t her fault though. Her parents are homophobic and it hurt her deeply. She cried for days; she almost attempted suicide. Of course me and Jared were there for her every step of the way. She finally realized that it doesn’t matter if her parents didn’t approve because she knew that was what she was and she was sticking to it.

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