"Okay, okay!" he laughed and followed behind her.

  As soon as she walked in, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. He couldn't help grinning.

  "Do you like it?" he questioned and she smiled at him.

  "Cig, I love it. This is heaven. Jesus, it's so beautiful!"

"Language books are over there but you should check out something else too. The books here are fantastic. Especially the mystery books, " he informed her and she nodded.

"Alright, thanks, Cig. Do you want to look at the Italian books or...stay with me?" she gave him a shy smile.

He couldn't resist her beautiful smile. He couldn't resist her at all.

For two and a half hours, they talked, recommended books for each other, discovered new books, and laughed so much. They had fun.

There were moments that she would lean on him or he would hold her hand. They simply couldn't stay away from each other.

"Hey, Rainy. Are you in a hurry to get home today?" he asked her, holding the three books they checked out, but she shook her head. "Well, are you hungry? We could eat somewhere."

She grinned. "Sure. Have any suggestions?"

"Um..." he paused. "Oh! We should go to an Italian restaurant!"

"Yeah, where's that?"

"I'm pretty sure it's...oh, it's right across, " he pointed and she nodded. They held hands again while they walked to the restaurant.

When they got seated, he gave her a menu first before taking one for himself. She smiled kindly at him as a thank you.

He cleared his throat. "I, uh, think the pizza here is good. I've had it before, just the plain cheese."

"Oh? I am in the mood for pizza. Do you want to share one?" she quirked an eyebrow at him and he nodded.

"Small or medium?"

"I think small is fine. From the picture I see here, it's pretty big, " she said.

"Alright. I'll order for us."

  He told the waiter what they would like to eat and they each told him their drinks. The waiter nodded, smiling, before walking away.

  "Thank you, " they both called after the waiter.

  She faced him. "So, Cig, how are you today?"

  "I'm very good, thank you. How are you, Rainy?" he leaned forward, beaming at her.

  "Happy, " she sighed and he put his hand over hers comfortingly.

"Me too."

  Her eyes wandered down to their hands and she interlaced their fingers. A smile spread across her face as she stared at their hands.

  Happy, she thought.

  Soon after they ate, they stood outside and looked at each other. He stepped closer to her, which made her heart pound.

  His hands found hers again while he gazed at her. She couldn't find the courage to meet his eyes.

  Slowly, he lifted up her chin and they locked eyes.

  Their hearts hammered.

  Her breathing hitched.

  His eyes searched her eyes.

  Then... he began to lean in.

  And she leaned in too.

But when their lips were just centimeters apart, they stopped. Their thoughts swirled and they opened their eyes.

  In each other's eyes, they knew. They saw.

  So, he closed the distance between them and softly pressed his lips against hers. His lips lingered there before pulling away.

  They both took deep breathes and she looked up at him.


  He gulped. "Yes?"

  "Thank you, " she whispered and he nodded.

  "O–of course. Do you, um, want me to walk you home?" he asked her, uncertain.

  "Sure, " she smiled at him before they walked hand in hand to her house.

  And the entire way, her heart fluttered with my happiness.

  She knew what she felt now. She understood everything.

  She was in love with him.

  And little did she know, he was too.

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