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"how exactly did you..."

It was a normal afternoon, it was sunny and the sky's were blue and some cherry blossoms even bloomed

A couple were standing under a tree, two of their hands together

Two of their hands pointing at each other's heads, small silver guns brushing each other's foreheads

For today wasn't a normal day, the blue sky and warm weather only a peaceful illusion

The war had been lost, Voldemort was on the loose, muggle and magic folk alike dying

The couple had been driven out by both of their allies, left to fend for themselves in this cruel tired world

Their wands have been taken from them, stripped away by the ones they once called friends.

They both decided on this, they both decided they didn't want to try to survive

That if they die together they will be fine, they can be wherever the next life is, or be blank and at peace

They leaned forward, kissing. Their mouths moving together and the guns falling to the side as they shared their last kiss

They pulled away, their hands squeezing

"Goodbye Draco" the green eyed boy said, his eyes tearing up as he looked up at the beautiful man in front of him

"Goodbye Harry, I love you" Draco whispered, raising the silver weapon to the middle of Harry's head, Harry doing the same as they closed their eyes

"I love you too" Harry whispered, before two loud bangs were heard

A splash of warmth washed over Draco's face, his eyes snapped open as he looked down

His eyes widened, his heart stopped and his mouth opened in a silent scream

He dropped the gun, backing away from the mangled, bleeding corpse of Harry Potter, his boyfriend

He screamed

Over and over, his hand going to his forehead. He felt a metal cold there, he picked it off and looked at it

A smashed bullet, like it had been shot against the strongest metal in the world  

Blood was smeared across his perfect porcelain skin, he yanked the gun from the ground and pointed it at his head

He shot



Three times

Each time the bullet bouncing off his head again and again

Nothing was working

He looked down at Harry, collapsing on his knees beside him. He turned him over

His face was peaceful, happy

Even with the ugly, staining hole in his forehead

Where he shot

He looked dully at Harry's face, blood dripping off Draco's now red hair as he looked at him

Both guns were empty by the time Draco shed tears, his shaky hands running through Harry's unruly hair

"I-Im sorry...I'm sorry Harry I won't be joining you right now..." Draco rasped, his body feeling weak

He felt broken, shattered. Nothing felt right, life was surreal

Draco raised his head and looked up at the sky

He screamed, a long low angry cry for desperate sanity

"How exactly did you learn you were bulletproof?"


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