EreJean-Dancing With You

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This is my first time writing in this style, pls forgive the awfulness lol


"You stupid HORSE-FACE!" 

"Insufferable twat!"

"Idiotic horse"

"Is that really the best insult you can create asshole?!" 


Eren Jeager and Jean Kirstein were once again fighting, for again a reason unknown. 

They were in the dance academy, one of the best there was in the city of Trost. Many people came from far and wide to see the graceful shows of the students here at Trost-Dancers. 

"I will beat the living shit out of you if you call me that again!" Jean yelled, rolling up the sleeves to his white, button-up shirt. 

"Oh yea?! I'd like to see you try horseface" Eren sneered, putting his hands up to his face to protect himself.

Before either boy could swing at each other, a loud voice boomed through the room, silencing everyone.

"What is happening here?!" Mr. Ackerman yelled, Jean and Eren froze in their spots, looking over at Levi with scared expressions.

"Sir, they were fighting again" Annie spoke up, Jean shot her a death glare as she was behind me.

"Ah I see. Both of you, office. Now" Levi spun on one heel and walked off. Jean and Eren shot each other death glares as they made there way behind Levi, people snickering at them as they walked by.

"This is all your fault Jeager" Jean muttered, Levi shot him a warning glare as we made it to his office.

Levi turned to face us, his short figure not making his menacing glare any less terrifying. 

"Now. This is the third time this week both have you have been here and have stopped and or disturbed the classes. Both times you were here previously you both said you would smarten up, or fear consequences." Levi said in a icy tone, Eren's eyes widened and Jean shook his head slightly.

Eren swore he could see a shadow of a smirk flash across Levi's face.

Oh great, what does shortie have for us today. Cleaning? How bad can it be? Eren thought as he waited for Levi to talk.

"First off, as punishment you will be cleaning all of the dance rooms. Including the beginners rooms." Levi paused, Eren and Jean both had a 'I knew it' look on their faces.

"Secondly, you both know there is a show coming up in two weeks, the fundraisers for this place are going to be there" 




He can't be serious.

Jean and Eren glanced at each other

"You two will be dancing, as a pair, in this event. With this," Levi turned and picked up a sheet from his desk, "Routine. You will prepare after classes as punishment, not during, not even on free time. Now, get out" Levi handed Jean the paper and shooed us out of the office.

Jean and Eren looked at each other in horror as the last bell rang, soon everyone had left the studio and it was just Eren, Jean and some cleaning supplies.


Eren flopped on the ground, wiping his forehead. Jean collapsed beside him, breathing heavily.

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