Chapter 8- Grace's POV:

Comenzar desde el principio

We walked into the forest. The light slowly dimming as we walked further through the thick undergrowth.

"Hey Nico I'm sorry," I murmur.

"It's ok, I just wish things weren't the way they are,"

"What is that supposed to mean? Wait is this because she's an Apollo kid?" I grasp at the ridiculous idea.

"Yes. Death and light don't mix it'll never work out,"

"NO, you are not going to throw away your chances with Kasee because of some idea that you have running threw your head that that is some how going to stop you from dating her. seriously." I snarl and begin dragging him back towards camp.

"Well as soon as dinner is over you are going to talk to her, you got that Nico,"

"Yes ok but after Capture-the-Flag,"

"Capture the what now?"

"You'll see come on," he huffs and takes the lead.

We return to the pavilion and I take my seat on the Hermes table.

"Hey newbie," the Stolls grin, taking a seat across the table from me.

"Hey, when do you think I'll get claimed?" I huff.

"Why sick of us already; nah probably soon I mean you're awesome, your parent should be proud."

"Ok if you say so,"

"Ok campers tonight's activity is going to be Capture-the-Flag; Apollo verse Ares other cabins create your alliances you have 30 minutes, until the game,"

Everyone seemed to dash either to the Apollo or Ares cabin faster than I could blink, I just kind of sat still and watched all the commotion until the Stolls told me what was going on.

"Ok Capture-the-Flag is a game we play in the forest and there are 2 teams one which leaders the Ares cabin and the other the Apollo cabin we have teamed up with the Ares cabin. Come with us we can find you a weapon and if that fails use that necklace we've heard all about, ok let's go," I take in as much information as we can as we walk to the weapons shed the boys unlatch the door and it swings open and I'm greeted with a face full of dust. I wipe my face and step in the place is full of all kinds of weapons; swords, spears, daggers, bows etc. I pick up the first weapon to catch my eye; a black bow with a glimmering silver string and a quiver full of silver arrows I sling the quiver over my shoulder and step out of the shed.

"Ok, found one," I say. Before the boys lead me back to the pavilion.

After talking battle strategy we headed into the forest with the Hermes cabin and ares cabin and the river's side.

"Ready! Go!" Chiron shouted.

I launched across the river and knocked my first arrow and then another and before I knew at I could see the flag resting high in a tree I ran for the tree but i was blocked by the one and only Leo Valdez I nocked an arrow but he dodged; I was to close to do any real damage so I dropped the bow and brought my hand to my necklace and just as I had hoped a black dagger fell into my hand; I curled my fingers around its silver grip and swung at Leo he grinned and hurled his hammer in my direction leaving him defenceless so I toke my chance and pushed him to the ground before beginning to climb the tree. The flag was well wedged into the trunk of the tree but I pulled in loose before jumping to the ground, I left the bow on the ground and ran swinging my dagger at any one who got in my way. The river grew closer and closer and soon enough I was over the border and we had one; at least that was my initial thought until I heard Kasee's voice behind me.

"And that is how you capture a flag!" Wait if we had crossed at the same time then who won?

"Um... who crossed first?" Piper asks no one in particular.

"I I don't know," I admit.

"Since we have no way of telling I declare a tie." Chiron calls. Everyone erupts into arguments and cheers some disagreeing and others all for the idea.

"Has there ever been a tie before?" Kasee asks.

"No, never," Annabeth replies.

"Well I think this calls for a celebration then-" Kasee suddenly stops. Everyone's eyes seem to land on me and I can feel the blush spreading across my cheeks.

"What?" I ask. Piper simply points above my head, my head tilts up and I see a glowing silver symbol above me which if I wasn't mistaken was a crescent moon but no god has that for their symbol except... Artemis... but she's never... she's a maiden... this isn't possible.

"Artemis?... but she can't...," Annabeth's voice trails off.

The group begin talking again and I try listening to whispers behind me...

"She's a freak...," said one voice.

"a mistake," said another.

"She shouldn't be here, she shouldn't even be alive," another chimed in.

At this point my legs started moving before my brain could process what they were doing but I didn't stop them I let the carry me further and further through the woods.

Behind me I heard a faint voice screaming at everyone.

"This is not her fault! she did not chose this! stop blaming her!" Kasee was defending me, a popular girl with so many friends and talents defending a mistake like me.

"Leave her alone, she's done nothing wrong!" Leo shouts. I don't deserve their respect, Leo probably has a girlfriend and is just helping Kasee because she's cool.

"GRACE," Kasee shouts but I keep running not having the nerve to turn my head.

"Grace, please stop," she pleads. I slow but don't stop. She catches up and we continue to walk through the woods.

"Grace it's not your fault they shouldn't treat you like that," she says softly.

"My mum probably doesn't even want me," I mumble.

"Hey don't say that, your mum didn't have to claim you she chose to, she can't hate you if she's claimed you now can she,"

The rest of the walk was in silence, slowly we changed direction and began to head back to camp but I dreaded seeing everyone, they probably all hate me. I now have no chance with Leo not that I ever did and Kasee is probably just being nice like a perfect girl like her would.

We made our way down the hill and Kasee ran off to her friends and I glumly headed to the Artemis cabin I don't know why but it's the only place I figured I could be alone.

Twins (Leo Valdez X OC and Nico di  Angelo X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora