Chapter 5- Nico's POV:

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Chapter 5

Nico's POV:

*back in the clearing*

We arrived in the clearing that Leo and I agreed to meet up in. He hadn't arrived so I grew a little mad at the annoying Latino elf. "Nico, I've been here before," Grace said, freaking out.

"When?" I asked.

"Last night in a dream," she responded.

"Sure it's just a coincidence," I reassured.

"You're probably right," she shakily replied. Right on cue I see Festus skyrocketing towards the ground. I just roll my eyes and walk over to a tree and lean on it. Leo appeared from the crash site with the demigod he was sent out to rescue. She said something then punched him. "Took you long enough Valdez," I said earning the attention of the two demigods.

"A bit of light would be good," Grace chimed in.

"Leo can help with that," I answered. He muttered something to the girl before walking over to the centre of the clearing. He lit his hands and made a campfire. Both girls screamed, which is what normally happens when demigods come out of their mortal life. When the girls stopped screaming I finally got a better look at Leo's companion. She had shoulder length brown hair tied in a messy ponytail. She was reasonably tall but I am guessing I was slightly taller. She wore a volleyball tank top and shorts, which I guessed she had finished a training session before Leo picked her up. She was looking at me too and I looked at her eyes. They were a misty blue which seemed to shine in the moonlight. She looked away, blushing and brushed her hair behind her ear. 'Gods she looks so adorable when she blushes' My mind self consciously thinks. 'Wait since when do I get caught up in sappy love stuff?'

"Hi," a sweet voice brought me out of my thoughts. I noticed the girl had walked over and stuck her hand out.

"Hey," I replied taking her hand. Grace got up and walked off towards Festus.

"Kasee Kingsley," she introduced.

"Nico di Angelo," I replied.

"Nice to meet you, Sir Nico," she joked.

"Oh gods, we don't need another Leo," I complained.

"Sorry," she said. I suddenly felt really bad.

"Pleasure to meet you too m'lady," I replied in an attempt to make her happy.

"What? Did you just call me m'lady?" she asked confused.

"May as well play along Kasee," I stated. She nodded then put her hands on her pockets. "Oh no no no," She said worried.

"What?" I asked.

"My baby's missing!" she replied before running off into the trees, leaving me confused. "Her baby, what?" I asked out loud. She came back with a bag in her hands. She pulled out a phone and kissed it. "My baby's found," she breathed.

"Um...ok?" I said.

"I would've died if my phone broke. My music is on there and my music is my life," she explained and slipped it into her short's pocket.

"Riiight," I nodded. "If I didn't know better I would say you were a daughter of Apollo,"

"Um what do you mean? Leo was explaining about demigods and gods and stuff but then we kinda skyrocketed towards the ground, which kind of cut off our conversation," she said matter-of-factly.

"Well a demigod is half mortal, half god. I'm a son of Hades and Leo is a son of – "

"Heph whatever the hell," Kasee cut in. I just laughed.

Twins (Leo Valdez X OC and Nico di  Angelo X OC)Where stories live. Discover now