Chapter 1- Grace's POV:

Start from the beginning

"What are you and why are you in my backyard," I sat trying to muster all the strength I have into my words.

"Well young demigod I am Kelli and I've come to kill you, nothing you need to worry about," Kelli mocks. Demigod? I'm not a demigod, what the hell?

"Well I don't appreciate being killed," I snap and release the arrow, it pierces her skin where her heart is she falls to the ground and screams, and in a blink of an eye she transforms into dust and is swept away with the wind.

I pick up my arrow and slip back into the shed. I put my bow on the wall and slid my arrows into the quiver, launch back onto my bed as my eyelids grow heavy and I roll onto my side before falling into a deep dream filled sleep.

The dream started at around midnight with me in a small clearing of a forest, there was no one around, nothing but trees for miles in every direction, the forest was dead silent, not even a whisper could be heard.

But all of a sudden what looked like a golden dragon crashes through the trees a few miles off.

I wanted to chase after it but I couldn't move my feet were glued to the soft grass beneath them.

A girl later emerged from the trees she was tall with shoulder blade lengthened dark brown hair tied up in a messy ponytail. Her misty blue eyes shining in the moonlight. She wore navy blue shorts with a volleyball labeled tank top, as if she had just finished a training session of some kind which I figured was volleyball. She also had a necklace, at the end of a black leather string was a golden sun pendant similar to my own. The girl seemed as confused as me.

"What the hell is going on," she asks me.

"I have no idea. I kinda just woke up here," I reply dimly.

"I'm Kasee,15," she walked over to me and held out her hand.

"Grace, I'm 15" I gladly take it and we shake hands.

"I like your necklace," I complement.

"Thank you, I like yours. They look similar, huh."

"Yeah guess, I didn't notice,"


we ended up talking for hours, as if we had grown up together. We had so much in common we basically acted like sisters.

I shoot up in my bed.

"What the hell." I stagger. Pulling myself to my feet I pull on a pair of black shorts and a white tank top, attempt to drag a brush through my hair, and slip on my black converse. I grab my Friday timetable from off my bedside table along with my phone,earphones, bus pass and a pen. I shove them in my pocket and pack my bag for the day.

I tiptoe into the house and steal an apple and slip out before my dad notices I was in there at all.

When I arrive at school I'm greeted by my best friend Bryan.

"Grace, hey," he says as I walk over to where he has seated himself outside of the canteen.

"Bryan," I greet and sit down beside him. But before I have time to do anything at all the bell shrills and I pull myself to my feet once more.

After roll call I make my way to my first class; art my favourite subject. I enter the room and notice that all the seats are taken except the one beside the new kid. He started here late last week, I haven't actually talked to him yet manly because he looks like an emo, he wears completely black and has longish shaggy black hair, brown eyes that resemble a puppies and he looks as if he has never seen the sun, there a bags under his eyes and I haven't actually heard him speak.

Twins (Leo Valdez X OC and Nico di  Angelo X OC)Where stories live. Discover now