"Thank you, George," I mumbled, but with full sincerity in my voice. "For being my friend." Instead of saying anything, George simply nodded his head as we began to grow comfortable in this silence.

"It's time for dinner, Evelyn. Daniel wants you there." Dread filled my body as I did not want to go to the dinner's that I had carefully avoided for the past few nights. It's because only the highest ranked officials are able to dine with the Alpha. Other werewolves in the pack, since there are so many of them, tend to eat at home or at the cafeteria that's near to the pack house.

Not having the strength to argue with Daniel, I just started to follow George as he leads me to the dining room. I could hear laughter and loud, booming voices from the dining room, however, all that ceased as I entered the room, late, for dinner. George left me there, knowing that he was not high enough rank to eat with use, which made me sad. I immediately saw Daniel as he was in the centre of the room, eating next to a blonde woman who I recognised to be Martha. A pit of jealousy burned in my stomach after taking one look at her.

Daniel looked up at me and his facial expression turned sour. "Evelyn," I soft voice called. I turned to look at Martha, who smiled at me. "You're back." She said, which almost sound like a question. I could tell she didn't want me to be there, but I didn't know why as I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know that Daniel and I are mates.

Daniel shuffled in his seat as I looked around, searching for seats far away from this table, except only one was available and it was right next to Aaron, Daniel's Beta. At least I would also be seated beside Rune, who was tolerable.

As I approached the spot, Aaron only grumbled to himself while Rune offered me a smile. I returned the smile. I sat down, with a plate suddenly being thrust onto the table before me. It looked delicious, but after all the crap that had happened to me today, eating was the least of my worries. So, I sat there, picking at my food, seemingly not enjoying it.

"It's not that bad, you know?" Rune said, jokingly.

I giggled, but soon replied, "I know, it's just that I'm not very hungry right now." He looked like he was starting to think about something for a second, but shut his mouth. Suddenly curious, I reassured him. "Rune, you can tell me whatever it was that you wanted to say".

He smiled sheepishly at me. "What you saw today-" Rune tried to explain, but ended up drifting off.

"What do you mean?" I interjected, feigning cluelessness. Except, I'm not that great of an actress and Rune easily picked up on it.

"Evelyn, I know you saw me with blood on my hands, and yes, I did kill Alpha Carson." I sucked in a breath at his honest response. I assumed that Alpha Carson was dead, therefore it wasn't much of a surprise, it was just an odd feeling for my suspicions to be confirmed.

"Say no more," I remarked, flashing him a fake smile. Rune continued to look in my eyes for any doubt. "Honestly, it's fine," I added, which seemed to convince him. Our conversation didn't seem to go unnoticed by Daniel as he had his hands curled up into fists, as his knuckles turned a pale colour.

I watched him for a bit as he battled his wolf for dominance, suddenly getting jealous, which came as a surprise. "Evelyn," Daniel started. "You should eat." My jaw dropped in surprise because I did not expect for Daniel to be so nice. And yes, by nice, I do mean, suggesting that I ate, but it was a start nonetheless.

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