Life After High School: Traits that Help & Traits that Hurt

Start from the beginning

Believe it or not, making your own decisions and living life without parental control is not really all that it’s hyped up to be. Just consider:in addition to deciding where to live and making your own rules, you will actually have to pay your own bills, buy your own food, cook (or buy) your own meals, plus keep your living space clean, all this while working–fun…fun…fun. You will have no one telling you what to do or how to do it. The problem is that you will have to do these things all on your own — and oftentimes without help.

However, only experience will teach you that your school years can be a great time and this book will not even attempt to convince you otherwise. Here, you’ll only be given a few guidelines that you can choose to use or refuse.

Stop and think for a minute. Where do you want to be twenty years from now? Sometimes that is hard to envision. In fact, it is the rare teenager who has completely mapped out his or her path, even two years down the line. You can, however, set goals and position yourself for a successful future.

What this means is that you have to hold on to your dreams. Sometimes it can take years of struggle, both financial and emotional, to realize your dream. Then there is also the other ‘big deal’ – sometimes casually referred to as studies. Regardless of the issues, what is important is the decisions that you make, and the path that you take, immediately after leaving high school. Education cannot be overemphasized. You must finish high school. That’s definitely the most important factor. However, next on the list of importance is to find something that you like or love doing. If you like doing something, you’re more likely to stick with it. You will not let a few disappointments get you down or steer you away from your goal.

Disclaimer: This book is not intended to help everyone. Sorry! This book is meant to help those who want to succeed, hope to succeed, or think that with help they can succeed. Reading this book will also help those who don’t see anything in their future yet, but want to see something.

If you are thinking of dropping out of high school or have already dropped out because you find it boring or don’t see how it can help you, perhaps this book will show you why education is so important. If you are failing or are about to fail and can’t see that it matters, read this book. If you would really love to have a baby of if you had a baby because babies are adorable and cute and you really want to love someone or you want someone who will love you, perhaps this book will help.

If you have heard repeated insuinuations from others that you’re a loser but you don’t want to believe them, I think this book can help you. If you think you’re a loser and are quite happy with that state of affairs, this book will not help you.

Regardless of your confidence or lack of confidence in your abilites to suceed, I will leave you with a positive proposal: If you think you are a loser prove me wrong. Dream a dream and live it!

Table of Contents

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy – Fulfilled

Before and After HSY

Crime and Pay

My Baby and Me

Learn to Fly Solo

Reinventing the Wheel

Missing a Number

A Roadblock Means a Detour

Traits That Help and Traits That Hurt

The Hemmer

The Blamer

The Pusher

The Pathfinder

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