Secondhand Embarrassment by calligraphics

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Book Title: Secondhand Embarrassment.

Author: calligraphics.

Current Status: Completed.

Parts/Chapters: 40.

Genre: Short story (Teen Fiction).

Award(s)/Highest Ranking: #78 in Short Story.

Current Reads: 137,261 Reads.

Current Votes: 15,605 Votes.

Series? No, this is a Stand Alone Book.

Summary of book: In which Lennon accidentally swipes right for Noah on tinder and lands herself in the middle of a very sticky situation.

Good things About It:

Ok, I'm not lying, 'Secondhand Embarrassment' is now officially one of my favourite books. Its so insanely creative and I love the way the author has written it! Her style is so unique and it's addictive.

I feel like everyone would enjoy this book as its such a cute story and is so realistic and funny. Honestly, this book made me laugh so much. I love the way that most of the book is in the form of texts, which made it even more realistic. I also love the way the book progresses into becoming more of a story.

Lennon is hilarious and so relatable, as is Noah. Their conversations are actual gold. They are both a bit cynical but in a great way and you can't help but love them both.

The author even included bonus scenes after the story 'ended', which were fun to read.

I love this book so much. Trust me when I say Its definitely worth reading!

What could be improved:

This is so hard to find things wrong for this book.

I remember when I first started reading it, I kind of disliked the way it was written (like texts). But after a while, I got used to it and now I love it because its so unique. (I guess this isn't exactly a bad thing haha. Just a heads up to people thinking about reading it I suppose.)

From what I remember all spelling and grammar was correct.

I was unsure on whether I liked the ending, as it could have ended in many ways but I feel it was realistic and cute nevertheless.

Yeah, I don't think I actually have any faults for this book...

Overall Rating: 4.7/5

Definitely recommend.

Have you read this book?

Comment your opinion and tell me what you thought, I'd be happy to hear it.



Heya guys,

Sorry! I'm sorry that this is a little late. I was struggling to find good completed or nearly completed books to write about this month. Then toward the end of the month I found this book :) Then I had to get the authors permission, write it, check it and post it. Yeahhhh.

Anyway, haha.

Any thoughts or anything I could improve on? Would you like any more information that I forgot to add? Well, Just comment it and I'll see to adding that information for you.

Don't forget to comment suggestions for any books you want to see me review.

Thanks for reading!

See you next time, my little BookWorms.

-Rhia X

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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