How To Love A Dead Boy by katezee1997

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Book Title: How To Love A Dead Boy.


Current Status: Completed.

Parts/Chapters: 43.

Genre: Paranormal.

Award(s)/Highest Ranking: #171 in Paranormal (Deserves way more).

Current Reads: 314,005 Reads.

Current Votes: 15,242 Votes.

Series? No, this is a Stand Alone Book.

Summary of book: Despite doing everything she can, Lucy Ainsworth can't forget the night that she held the hand of the dying stranger, Ryden Mitchells. However; when she finds herself face to face with his ghost in her bathroom mirror, she's thrown deeper into a pit of confusion, questions and an odd attraction to the boy. As the two search for answers to this strange occurrence and do what they can to help him move on, a strong friendship bonds: and an even a stronger romance.

But getting too close to Ryden could have devastating consequences for Lucy and she'll have to find it in herself to do what's best for her and for the dead boy that she's fallen head over heels for...

Good things About It:

Where to start?! Ugh ...

'How To Love A Dead Boy' is one of the most unappreciated books I have ever had the pleasure of reading! I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this book. The author deserves so much more recognition! This book should definitely get published or at least featured or something, the author is insanely creative and writes beautifully.

I think everyone will enjoy this book as it is written perfectly and despite being of the paranormal genre it's pretty realistic and includes interesting and unpredictable story twists that leave the readers on the edge of their seats.

Lucy, the main character, is awesome, she is so relatable, lovable and, most importantly, realistic, as are all the other characters. Seriously, these characters are so unique and they go so well with the storyline.

Moreover, the author even included music and photos on some of the chapters, which gives the book a nice charm to it and shows the efforts she made. She also added a cast members list too.

Also I loved the ending! SORT-OF-SPOILER ALERT (but not really): When I decided to do a review of this book I reread the ending because I could remember everything except how it ended... Oh god. All the feels rushed back in. I CRIED. For the SECOND TIME. Ok, I'll shut up now ... Sorry haha. Ok, IT'S SAFE TO READ AGAIN :P

Warning: This book will give you the SERIOUS case of the feels... I cried, fangirled and laughed. Trust me when I say It's definitely worth reading!

What could be improved:

I don't think that I can think of anything that could improve this book...

From what I remember all spelling and grammar was correct. Also the author has rewritten and checked spelling, grammar, punctuation, the whole lot. Not sure if it's completed now or not, but I can guarantee that you won't care all that much if you come across something like that.

Personally, I enjoyed this book too much to pick a fault with it.

Overall Rating: 4.8/5

Definitely recommend.

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Comment your opinion and tell me what you thought, I'd be happy to hear it.




Bet you didn't expect to see me back so soon, huh?

Well, I got bored so I decided to post another review! I know, I know. This is the most exciting part of your day, huh?... Wait... What do you mean 'No'? Haha, aww you're in denial.

Only Kidding.

Sooo... How was your day guys? Mine was blagh.

But yeah, to give you guys some details: Starting right now, I will only post a new review in this book every month (on the 1st of every month). So be sure to return for that.

Also I'm thinking about starting my own story...

Any thoughts or anything I could improve on? Would you like any more information that I forgot to add? Well, Just comment it and I'll see to adding that information for you.

Don't forget to comment suggestions for any books you want to see me review.

Thanks for reading!

See you next time, my little BookWorms.

-Rhia X

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