chapter 1

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As long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive

                                                                                                                     - Maya 

Maya's POV

I looked across at the other table and saw a couple kissing passionately in corner of the cafe. Thoughts ran through my head. 'Arrrrrjjjuuun,' purred the little voice inside my head. Everyone needs someone to love, someone to share lives with, someone to grow old with, someone to play naughty games with.' It all came down to that someone.

"Do you know having a single cup of coffee is exactly the same as mountaining........................ in bed", he said in a teasing tone.

You're thinking way ahead. Please stop, I roared knowing his fishy thoughts.

Not that ahead... why should I stop? he smirked

Behave yourself. You're getting nothing.

Nothing else or...not even as much as yesterday? He asked having a puppy face.

Arjun sir can you explain what exactly did I treasure you yesterday? I said in a bossy tone.

Coffee wildcat it's coffee , exactly you gave me coffee yesterday. Guess who is running through Wwwwiillldd thoughts now.

'Here is your Coffee ma'am ", said the waiter in coincidence.

Its hot! he said it with a smirk.

"Here is your espresso ma'am" said the waiter bringing me back from filthy thoughts of him. My Phone went off .It was Gautham. My fingers swiped  green.

. "Dreaming about dancing with your invisible Romeo tonight at Neha"s sangeeth, " Gautham exclaimed. Gautham was my best mate from Chartered Accountancy institute who randomly flirts with every female he comes across. He was twenty four. He was single alike me and was such a sweetheart.

'Control your  stupid imaginations and I wasn't', I frowned at him.

He laughed on listening my displeasure 'I always enjoyed teasing you. You immediately react, like a scared mouse. By the way pal, Don't be late. I suggest that you could choose your Mr right from Neha's sangeeth too . I hope you know what I mean , Gautham said in a teasing tone.

I am impressed by your service sir but unfornately I don't need one, I replied pretending to be   tensed.

Pity you,.. Neha and I cant wait to see you dear . Neha was excited when she heard about your arrival too. Guess we have plans to be executed tonight .Be there on time .

Neha was my cousin. We clicked the moment we meet. Though she was five years elder to me she was my best friend from childhood. She takes my side always. That was the only thing that soothed me about Neha.

'I will. See you soon guys.' I hung up looking at the coffee artwork which was admired by youwillknowwho passionately.

Having my espresso and admiring the heart artwork design it had "You have to be strong , Maya. You cant lose control. He was just a passing cloud ." I said to myself and went back to sipping my coffee. The aroma of the coffee was glorious and delicious. 

The cruel irony of being born on April Fool's Day had haunted me all my life. But today, I really felt like a fool.

I was alone in my favourite coffee shop, Coffee Day, which had these lovely, bright, mismatched chairs, sofas and cushions. And yes, it served the best coffee and reminds me of that bastard as well. I was there almost for every birthday, having my muffin and cappuccino and of course I was expecting for him too. Honestly I couldn't get rid of his memories that haunted me every night.

And today was my birthday. It was ten in the morning. I rushed down here to see if he was there atleast for the last time in my life and I would have to sound cherry before I visit my clients. Only to find a couple already making out .

I believed that I would find the right man who would cherish me and I would treasure him. But that was the spiel I had given myself for over years. On the brighter side though, I had few proposals for my beautiful eyes which came from my mother. My hazel brown eyes turned in to a light brown when the sun shone on them. I never had a steady boyfriend neither did I accept those proposals. After the five minutes I feel the man is really stupid, extremely juvenile or highly pretentious. I have an IQ that might have given me the title of 'scholar Maya' in school, but that never gave me a boyfriend except him.

Both of my parents were Chartered Accountants and they owned the world's leading firm' Stable and Sound'. People respected them wherever they went. It was their profession that earned them so much respect. It inspired me. That was when I decided to become a Chartered Accountant and I am proud to say I am one now. Besides I took care of my dad's firm as well. I put myself in a tight schedule before getting haunted by his memories.

Later that evening at home

"Priya, please talk to Maya about this "I heard my dad say to my mom just when I was about to open the door to their bedroom. I was curious. What mom should talk to me about?

"I don't know if she would accept to it, Dev. But I will try". What if...

I knocked on their door and the next second the door was opened by dad.

" Princess! We were just talking about you." My dad said.

"Uh...okay... I stood anxiously at the door step of their bedroom. What was it going to be?

"Come in, Maya" My mom encouraged me. She gestured me to sit on the bed, next to her.

"Are you in love with anyone?" Her voice was all panicky.

"Erm...No mom" I lied.

"Hmm...listen to me carefully Maya",looking at me with a sober look.

Oh! No the shit is getting real! No mom don't do this

"We wanted you to meet Adhi and get married but only if you like him". She paused.

'Mom no! I am twenty three now. I don't want to get married so soon". I panicked.

"Maya , relax .Meet the man we have chosen for you. Get to know him dear. You don't have to get married right away. Spend time with him at Neha's sangeeth .He will be there as one of our clients. Like I said before If you like him then you can get married. Take how much time you need . The final call will be yours." She paused. "I saved Adhi's contact in your phone and he might call you at any moment so please...... [phone went off] she paused and looked at the screen Adhi calling . This young red blooded man doesn't miss a chance. " mom said in a teasing tone.

Adhi calling, my fingers invoulantarily pressed the answer button .

"Hello wild cat," his voice was deep and husky. It had a strong edge of authority. I can never go wrong in recognizing this deep and husky voice. I can never forget this voice.

"Hello" it was silent on the other side. Shit my phone was dead.

Heyaa! So, how was chapter 1?? Who do you think it is ?? Keep guessing!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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