Chapter 3

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"You're kidding!" Hera stood from her sitting position, pointing an accusing finger at Bruce.

Bruce slightly furrowed his brows. "What? I'm not going to joke about something like...that!"

"See?! You're not serious! can't even say the word!"

The boy shook his head lightly. He found this rather amusing. "I like you, Hera."

Hera, in response, just had her mouth open. She couldn't believe it. Bruce was actually confessing to her! Bruce likes her!

Then a flashback hit her. "You told me not to fall in love with you,"

Bruce had a crooked smile on his face. He looked like he realized something. And Hera would bet her life that he did. There was something off. Something...was just so wrong. The thing is, it's vague to understand. Bruce didn't tell, Hera didn't understand.

"Right," the word rolled from Bruce's mouth, muffled.

"What the hell, Bruce?! Are you playing with me?! Are you playing with my feelings? Can't you see that all your conundrums are making me go crazy? You never got to tell me one straight thing, ever! I always try to translate all your words for myself because I don't understand how you really mean what you say! I hate you for making me feel a little hopeful! I hate you for messing me up!" Hera couldn't help it, she cried her heart out. She knew she was tired. "But you know what? I blame myself for everything. Because maybe it's me who did wrong in deciphering your actions, your words. Maybe I didn't understand! Maybe...maybe I just concluded." She said the last sentence with difficulty. Because it was so damn right.

"No," Bruce looked at her with mixed emotions thundering his eyes.

"Then what?!" Hera snapped.

Bruce combed his hair and moved his gaze to the ground. He was breathing heavily as he tried to comprehend the next words he should say.

Then he just said bluntly, "Nothing. I take back what I said." He ran from the park, leaving Hera alone, broken.


The next days were a blur for Hera. She was usually neutral about the things she hear or usually just alone. She found herself in a group where everyone was just like her. People who have their own worlds that need to be shared.

She tried not thinking of Bruce, and for the past days she hasn't got a glimpse of him, nor does know what he's up to. But the boy was like a headache, just comes when she least expects him, and it was not fun.

She tried masking her feelings with a smile, although it was a fake one. Sometimes she would write down her frustrations then just burn the paper. She was like out of her mind. And it's because of a boy.

I wish I had never grabbed that chance to talk to him, and then maybe everything would be a lot better.

She wasn't aware of the things she was doing, and now she found this written on her diary. When did she write this? She doesn't even remember.

Rumor has it that Bruce dropped out of school. Hera tried to keep a straight face whenever she hears the cheerleaders talk about it or the student athletes say how sad they are.

She went home with a heavy heart. She thought of it as just a rumor. It was no way to be true.

And she heard a knock. It was from her bedroom window.

He was there, like the night he told her he likes her.

With no hesitations, Hera opened the window and enveloped Bruce in a hug. "I missed you," she said with tears in her eyes.

He returned the hug back. "And you have every right to. I missed you more than you could imagine."

They stayed in that state for a few more minutes. Bruce was the first to break off from the embrace. "I just dropped by to leave you this," he handed his black shiny guitar.


He didn't answer for a moment. "Just because,"

Hera gave him a cold stare. "There you are again. Can you just drop that? If you can't tell I'm not forcing you. It's your choi—" warm lips met her cold ones. Bruce was kissing her.

It was a quick one. She still couldn't believe it. "I'm sorry. That can be our first and last one."

"What?" she asked.

"You will know soon. I promise. For now, keep my guitar. You can play it if you want. I've taught you a couple of chords," Bruce smiled at her.


He brought his index finger to her lips, silencing her. "No buts, Hera. You will know soon."

Hera felt tears well up her eyes. She whimpered. "I hate you, Bruce Dalton." She wailed.

"And I love you back, Hera Stone. Now, I have to go. I'll see you soon. If not tomorrow then maybe the next day after. If not next month then maybe next year. It's up to you if you'll wait for me, but I know you would, I know you would."

Bruce held Hera's face with both his hands and pressed his forehead over hers and whispered, "Even if you stop waiting, I promise I won't stop fighting what's making me a coward so that I'll go back to you. And when I go back to you, I swear I'll make it all right."

Hera held Bruce's left hand. "Then I won't stop waiting," she said as a tear escaped her eye.

"Good." He gave her the biggest smile he could manage, and left.

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