Chapter 1

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Walking around the school grounds has been Hera Stone's pastime since she was 10. You see, almost half of her life she's spent the vacant hours walking around the same old place.

And it hasn't even changed.

Somehow, she managed to hear soft guitar strums and it soothed her. She has never heard music as peaceful as that before, and she wanted more. She followed where the music is coming from and she found herself staring at the school's most wanted alpha male.

No doubt, it was indeed Bruce Dalton.

Am I dreaming or am I dreaming?

Hera wasn't the type to initiate the first move; she doesn't even know how to flirt! But this was Bruce, the guy she's been secretly crushing on since elementary days. Although he was famous, he never showed interest in girls, and that somehow made Hera back out from whatever plan was going through her mind.

It's already senior year, and if she lets this opportunity pass by, she won't have another. Again. Ever.

"Hi," she said, almost inaudible. Then she waved her hand.

A set of hazel eyes met her blue ones. "Hey," Bruce said back.

Hera didn't know what to say, she was dumbfounded. Bruce is actually talking to her.

"Hera Stone, right?" He smiled.

Hera shyly nodded, and she knew a blush was creeping to her cheeks. Bruce knew her!

"I'm Bruce Dalton," the boy offered his hand. Hera just stared at it before shaking it. "I know," she replied.

A stifle came out from Bruce. "I can't be that famous,"

"But you are,"


Hera was thinking of a good conversation starter, but Bruce was quick.

"Where do you plan to go to college?" he asked.

Is he somehow interested in me? Oh, cut it, Hera!

"I don't know yet. How about you?"

"Ditto," he put his guitar down. "What brings you here?"

"Ah, I always walk around, and I happened to hear you—"

"So you follow where the strums came from." Bruce finished for her then he laughed.

Hera looked around to avoid Bruce's piercing gaze. She's still too shy to talk to him, but she knew she wanted closure. How ironic.

She saw a piece of paper lying near the guitar. She picked it up.

"You're making a song?" She smiled at Bruce.

He shook his head. "It's a poem."

Hera read the whole thing, realizing that it wasn't just a simple poem, but more of a wish list.

"What's this for?"

"Oh, you know. For instances."

She gave him a hard look, but he wasn't looking back at her.

"I have to go, Hera. See you around," Bruce got his guitar and the paper form Hera's hand, and then waved at her.

That was the first time they talked to each other, and Hera knew too well she's going to fall for him.

Black Shiny GuitarOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora