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"I'm so tired of trying to fit you into this family."

What? Why?

"You don't belong here."

I do too!

"No one will ever want you, Sang."


"Whore. Just like your mother."

Not true.

"No one can possibly love you."

I can be loved.

"She died just to get away from you."

I don't believe you.

"He's gone. He never wanted you and now he's gone."

It wasn't my fault!

"I want nothing to do with you. No one wants anything to do with you."

Why are you lying?

"Everyone will leave you."

Please don't say that!

"They'll just throw you away when they're done with you."

Please don't. Lies! You're lying!

"We don't want you in this house. Leave."

No! Don't kick me out.

"Don't ever come back."

I'll be good! I promise I'll be good.

"We don't want you. No one will ever want you."

Why? What did I do wrong? I'll do better!

"Why are you still here?"

I'm sorry. So sorry.

"You have no worth."

None at all?

"You'll never have any worth."

I know.

"You are nothing."

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