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It's been almost a week since I woke up in the Cullen household.  I became pretty close with Alice. Only because she insists on sitting in the room all day talking to me. Obviously I don't answer back but she sees my occasional head nod as an answer. Rosalie doesn't mind me either. She's more uptight but she comes and sits in the room sometimes.

Before I woke a week ago, I was apparently out for two weeks. Carlisle said my recovery is good but due to the condition I came to him in, it will take time.

I'm also having trouble with my memory. The night I was rescued and brought to the Cullen's is just a blur. All I could remember is running, coldness, and for some reasons a pair of eyes. The dark brown eyes gave me comfort but I can't see anything beyond them.

Now I just sit in my chair looking out the window until Esme let's Alice come see me. As I watch the leaves blow in the wind and some birds fly by, something new catches my eye. My full attention is now on the old red truck pulling up to the house. My nerves kick in making me want to run away. I ignore my instinct and keep my eyes focused on the brunette walking towards the house. She is soon greeted by Edward and I piece together that she's the girlfriend Alice talks about.

My thoughts are interupted by an overly happy Alice barging into the room. She comes and sits next to me immediately starting to talk about something Esme had said. As much as I love Alice's talks I couldn't focus today. All I could think of were those brown eyes and for some reason it killed me being away from them.

"Shall I give you a check up?" Carlisle comes in with a small smile on his face. I nod giving him permission to check my heartbeat, breathing etc.

"Everything's doing great, we are going to keep your IV on for a little while more just to be safe but you can walk around more if you'd like." He tells me.

I can't help but let my lips curl up the tinist bit. I tilt my head towards the window as if asking if I can go outside. Carlisle understood and gave me a head nod. Excitement filled me as I could finally explore the forest I've only seen from afar.

I jump up immediately, making myself go lightheaded and starting to loose my balance. Without Alice catching my fall I would have been on the floor.

"Okay calm down, we don't need you getting hurt more." Carlisle says as he walks closer to me to make sure I'm alright. "Alice is going to go with you just in case."

Alice helps me down the stairs and towards the front door while holding my IV bag. Just as we are about to reach the front door we are appoached by an angry brunette who I'm once again assuming is bella.

"You haven't even come to see me once and I've been here for almost an hour" she angrily spat at Alice.

"Well I've just been with her all day. It's no big deal I'm just going to bring her outside for a little. Your welcome to join?" Alice offers although I wish she hadn't. This bella girl seems pretty rude.

Bella glares at me and says "rather not" before making her way to the stairs.

"Don't mind her" Alice says smiling at me as she opens the door.

The breeze hits me, instantly calming my tense body. The smell of the fresh air brings the biggest smile to my face. I don't even bother trying to hide it from Alice. 

As we walk I admire every tree, leave, and rock in my view. Alice directs me towards a giant log and ushers me to sit down.

"You know I don't know what to call you" Alice says looking at me. "I keep having to refer to you as 'her' and I don't like it."

I sit there shocked. I'm not ready to completely trust these people and them knowing my name gives them an advantage. I fear that with my name they can find out my past and that's not something I want people to know. I'll look weak and that's my biggest fear.

I trace back through my memory trying to remember a name. Then it comes to me. Calypso. I remember it from a Latin book my father read to me when I was younger. It mean 'she who conceals'.

"Calypso" I whisper out.

"That's such a pretty name" Alice says barley being able to control herself since I spoke for the first time and it was to her.

We sit in silence until we hear Esme call for us. Alice helps me into the house and sits me at a stool in the kitchen. Everyone in the house starts to walk in and I become very nervous.

"Her name is Calypso, she told me." Alice announces.

"Is that so?" Carlisle looks at me with a smirk playing on his face. "Are you lying?"

I look at him as if saying 'like I would tell you'.

"Why would she be?" Alice questions, almost hurt.

"Calypso in Latin translates to 'she who conceals'" Carlisle explains. "And concidering how secretive she's been, it wouldn't surprise me that she made that up."

"Did you?" Alice directs it to me.

I look around the room and nod my head.

"Well if that's what she wants to be called then that's what she will be" Rosalie speaks up for me while holding on to Emmet.

I give her small smile then start heading to the stairs. Alice catches up quickly and helps me all the way up. She helps me into the bed then leaves me be.

Like always I watch the window until morning. My eyes feel heavy as I stare off into the woods surrounding the house. The sun shines through each tree hushing my worries and putting me to sleep.

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