Different Surroundings

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**The Girls POV**

I open my eyes in a panic but wherever I am is so bight my eyes shut immediately. I lay here for awhile not moving, to scared of what could be around me.

My body is still weak. I hated the feeling. I slowly tried to move my fingers and toes. Clenching then unclenching them until I decided to try to lift my arms. They felt so heavy. Slowly but surely I lifted them, dropping them back done to my sides as soon as I didn't feel the touch of the fabric I'm laying on.

Gradually I gain enough strength to open my eyes. Bit by bit my vision comes back to focus.

I look around the small room I'm in, collecting every detail. It looks almost like a hospital but the hard wood floors and forest scenery outside the window tells a different story. The bed I'm laying on also isn't a hospital bed. It's a huge bed with the softest blankets I've ever felt.

I look to my right and see tubes coming from a machine and leading under the blanket. Confused and intrigued I lift up the blanket to see it attached to my hand. I uncontrollably start gagging. I always hated needles.

Seconds after the door starts to open and a blonde haired man appears. I jump up as fast as I can, struggling to find a way out. The man is trying to calm me down, talking to me reassuringly that I just ignore. I see a second door and start to head for it until I feel a tug on my hand.

I look from the door to my hand then to man and back to the door again. I walk back to the bed in defeat knowing this is my best option, at the moment. As soon as I get a chance this bed will be far behind me as I run away never looking back. On my way to the bed I make sure I stay as far away from the man as possible just in case he tries to pull something.

Seeing my discomfort with him he picks up a chair effortlessly and brings it to the other side of the room before sitting down.

"Hello, my name is Carlisle. I'm a doctor." He introduces himself calmly. "I hear that you were running from something, can you tell me what from?"

I stare at him blankly.

"it's okay. This must be a lot on you. Can I know you name? Maybe where you got all these marks?" He questions while pointing at my body.

I give him the same response. 

"Why don't I just leave you be for a little? My wife, Esme, will be up in a few to bring you bring you some food." He starts to walk to the door before turning to look at me once again. "Try not to move around to much, your body is still weak and needs time to heal. That tube attached to your arm is called an IV. It's giving you medicine so don't try to take it out."

He gives me a comforting smile before walking out and closing the door behind him.

The mention of food makes my mouth start to water. I decide that holding back on my escape is a good idea considering how hungry I am.

I wait in silence until I hear the door slowly creep open. I look to my side and see a women with a smile on her face. I smell something delicious and look down at what she's holding.

"it's just chicken noodle soup. I wasn't to sure what you liked and Carlisle said you can't have anything to big so I just came up with this. I hope you like it. If not it's okay, I can make you whatever you want." The women I'm assuming is Esme rambles on.

I look at her blinking. I slowly nod my head up and down as a way to tell her what she made was perfect.

She smiles understandably walking over to the bed. I sit up and she puts a small wooden table thing over my lap. She then puts a bowl of soup and a glass of water on it as well.

I look down at the soup not being able to wait until I feel like I'm being watched. I look up and sure enough Esme is staring down at me.

Realizing I'm not going to start eating until she leaves she says "I'll be back soon to check on you" before smiling and walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

I eat the soup and cug the glass of water as quick as possible. I move the table to the other side of the bed and slowly sit up, my legs hanging of the bed. Looking down at the floor I realise the machine next to me has wheels.

I stand up gaining my balance before grabbing on to the machine and making my way to the window completely ignoring Carlise's request. A chair was conveniently placed there so I sit down.

Looking out the window was one of my favourite past times as a kid. I can watch the outdoors forever because it was my favorite place to be. A lot of the times I was accompanied by my mother, it was one of the many things I shared with her.

I let a single tear roll down my face. I missed her so much. I missed my whole family so much. My thoughts are filled with the terrible flashbacks and I start screaming. I get lost in the pictures not even realising that the once empty room was now filled with people.

I was violently shaking on the floor now, tears staining my face. Esme walks over to me putting a hand on my shoulder before getting down to my level and hugging me. I wrap my arms around her tightly letting my guard down just for this moment. I needed a little bit of affection even though I didn't want to admit it.

I hear everyone leave to room and I'm left with just Esme.  She starts to loosen her grip on me looking down at my face. She wipes away my tears and looks at me with pity. I hated pity but I let it slide for this one time.

"Why don't we get you back into bed?" She questions while looking at me. I nod my head and she helps me up.

I ease myself into the soft mattress and Esme covers me with blankets. She smooths back my hair before walking to the door turning off the lights and waking out. I hear her whisper "goodnight" before the door completely closes.

I laid in bed the whole night watching the window. Slowly the light of morning peeked through the glass on my restless body. I hadn't seen the sunrise in a very long time even though I never sleep anymore.

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