"How far is the Tooth Palace?" Elsa asked North.

North heard Elsa and laughed, pulling out a snow globe.

"Not far at all." He said.

"I say, Tooth Palace." He whispered to the snow globe. A huge portal appeared and they went through.

It was quiet. Really quiet. Until black spots appeared in the distance.

"What?" North said confused as they came closer. From the looks of it, whatever it was-was trying to flee the Tooth Palace. Black horses made out of black sand passed the sleigh. The five wondered why they were there in the first place, but then they saw one horse filled with the tooth fairies.

"They're taking the tooth fairies!" Jack yelled as he looked at all the horses. He saw one fairy trying to escape from a black horse and jumped up taking the fairy in his hands. He went back on the sleigh and recognized the fairy as Baby Tooth.

"Hey there Baby Tooth. You alright?" He softly asked her as she shook with fear. North glanced at all of the horses.

"Elsa you take the sleigh." He handed the reins to her and he took his swords out. She panicked and tried to control her powers.

"What? I don't think I can do this!" She yelled with fear. He was hitting as many horses as he can and glanced at her for a short moment. Bunny decided to help and threw his boomerang at some horses.

"Sure you can!" He said and resumed to what he was doing earlier. She exhaled a shaky breath and mumbled the words to herself.

"Conceal, don't feel, control it, Elsa." She mumbled to herself, getting louder by the second. Rapunzel, Merida, Jack, and Hiccup looked at each other. Is she okay?

"I think we should help." Rapunzel said as Merida nodded.

Merida took out her bow and shot some of her arrows at the horses. Rapunzel used her hair as a whip and hit horses as well. Jack used his staff to freeze them and Hiccup sat there not knowing what to do.

"Don't just sit there!" Merida yelled at him, taking a quick glance at him. He panicked and looked around for a weapon.

"I don't have anything to hit them with!" He said nervously. Merida stopped for a second and tossed her sword to him.

"Use this." She said and resumed to what she was doing. He tried hitting some horses and only hit two before Elsa landed the sleigh with a small crash.

She was holding her hands in fists and was backing away from the sleigh. Jack went to follow her, but not before looking at the reins.

They were covered with frost.

He glanced back and forth from the sleigh to Elsa. She could control ice and snow, too? he thought to himself.

"Blech, I got a lot of black sand in my hair." Rapunzel brushed them off with her fingers. Hiccup handed Merida her sword back and got off the sleigh.

Tooth was looking around her palace with fear.

"Tooth!" North hollered at her, going to her side along with Bunny and Sandy.

"They took my fairies, and the teeth! Everything is gone!" She said as she went to the ground. The five looked at them with sympathy.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the the big four." A british accent said out of nowhere. Bunny's ears perked up and everyone went in defense mode.

"Who's there?" Hiccup asked in confusion.

"Pitch." Tooth growled, answering his question.

"Oh, okay." He said, raising his eyebrows in realization. This was Pitch? How did an English guy come here all the way from England? Hiccup mentally slapped himself. Flight travel, duh. But he wondered, how did he get here? Or was he here the whole time?

"What do you want this time, Pitch?" Bunny yelled at him. Pitch laughed.

"Maybe I want what you have...to be believed in. Maybe I'm tired of hiding under beds!" Pitch said, his British accent going thick.

"Maybe that's where you belong!" Bunny yelled at him. Pitch smirked and put his hands behind his back.

"Pitch! Give me back the teeth and my fairies!" Tooth yelled at him, but he ignored her and just laughed.

"He must be dangerous." Hiccup said and Merida hit him.

"Of course he's dangerous! You don't see a grey guy covered in black sand everyday!" Merida said, stating the obvious. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

Pitch went out of the shadows and Tooth went charging at him. As she was about 1 foot close at him, a black horse scared her away. It was like the ones they saw before.

Pitch pet the horse and turned to Sandy.

"It took me a while to perfect this nightmare sand." He said smiling evilly at him. Sandy looked at the dream sand in his hands and frowned at him.

"Let me at 'em!" Bunny yelled as Pitch appeared in front of him.

"I see it is already happening." He said as he moved to another place. Pieces of the palace started coming off. Merida went confused.

"What's going on?" She asked. Pitch laughed and answered her question.

"Children are waking up, disappointed that the Tooth Fairy never came."

Tooth's face was filled with sadness.

"They...they don't believe in me anymore..." She said as her wings fluttered slowly.

He disappeared into the shadows and hid behind the five, who was still looking at the guardians.

"Who do we have here?" He said, and the five quickly looked at his direction. He stared at them confused on why they were here but quickly realized why.

"I see Manny has chosen more guardians." He said as he appeared in front of them. Jack tried to freeze him, but it didn't work— he quickly turned into a shadow.

"He got Rapunzel? I thought she was a myth. A fairytale." He said trying to anger Rapunzel. She frowned and looked at his shadow. A myth? I'm a real person! she thought.

"Jack Frost, too? How more ridiculous can this get? Getting a bunch of children." He said. Merida aimed her arrow away from the shadow.

"And a stupid girl that can't shoot an arrow at the right target? Pfft." He laughed. Merida smirked and let her arrow go.

The shadow of the arrow had hit Pitch in the stomach.

"Ow!" He cried, holding the arrow's shadow.

"Who's the stupid one now, Pitch?" She sassed and the rest laughed. He got angry and went out of the shadows and got all up in her face.

"Don't you dare laugh at me!" He yelled at her. She backed away and was about to fall off of the edge but Hiccup pulled her back up by her arm.

Pitch calmed down and got far from them. He turned to Hiccup.

"Awe, and the infamous Hiccup of Berk. The boy who can train dragons." He said. He made a picture of Toothless with his nightmare sand.

"I wonder what happened to this one." He said trying to scare Hiccup. It didn't work. Hiccup knew what he was trying to do.

"Oh, and this last one is my favorite." He said going in front of Elsa. He put his finger on her chin and looked at her.

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle. Or should I say, the Snow Queen." He said smirking. She moved away from him and looked at the four.

They looked at the floor with shock. She looked at the floor and saw patterns of snowflakes where she was before.

"Your fear is my—" he said but was cut off by Elsa freezing him with her powers. Rapunzel backed away surprised, along with Merida and Hiccup.

Jack looked at her.

"Elsa..." He said, trying to reach for her. She backed away and ran from them.

That moment, Jack knew he wanted to help her.

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