The Elevator Chapter

Start from the beginning

"What was that?" Ash asked as he rubbed his head.

"That was the sound of the elevator breaking down. We're trapped." I responded, fear shaking my voice. It was obvious, everything stood still and the slow rumble of the machines where gone.

"No, it can't have broken down. We can't be trapped." Ash muttered as he held his head in his hands.

"I don't know what other way to put it, Ash. The elevator isn't moving." I said and my voice began to raise. I had to clam myself down before I let all of my frustration out on Ash. He didn't deserve it.

"Why now? I'm so hungry I could eat a bus." He pouted, looking sympathetically down at his stomach.

"I was really looking forward to dinner as well." I sighed, averting my gaze hopelessly to the ground. But soon my attention was caught by the sudden crashing sounds. I looked up to find Ash pounding his fists against the elevator doors.

"Come on!" He growled in frustration. "Someone has to hear us."

Ash continued like this for the next five minuets. I watched him slam his knuckles onto the metal repeatedly without showing any signs of stopping. All I could do was stare blankly at him. Pikachu looked at me with alram, unsure of his trainers out burst. I wasn't sure what was best to do in this situation either. Soon I was worried that he would injure himself. Then it got to the point where I thought it would do more harm than good.

"Ash!" I shrieked. He immediately stopped at the sound of my horrified voice. The boy hung his head low and slowly turned to me. His face was tiered and red from exhaustion. "You're gonna hurt yourself and I have no supplies to fix you. Now think wisely. We won't be stuck in here forever, someone will come and find us. We just need to be patient."

"You're right Serena. I shouldn't be so reckless. There's nothing much we can do but wait." He looked defeated as he slumped into a corner. Pikachu nuzzled into its trainers lap and let out a soft coo. I allowed myself to slide down the wall until my legs tucked beneath me.

"Don't worry, someone will come for us. Soon Elaina and her brothers will realize we're missing." I reassured my crush. He nodded.

We sat in silence for a minuet, no one really sure what was an appropriate topic of conversation. I chewed the inside of my lip, desperate to break the ice. But luckily I didn't have to.

"How long do you think it will take for them to come get us." Ash huffed.

"Not too long. Maybe around an hour."

"Do you have your cell? I left mine in the hotel room." The raven haired boy ran his fingers through his hair.

"No, I didn't think we would need it." I bit my lip. How wrong I was about that.

"Maybe Pikachu could use iron tail to get us out of here! That could work." He suggested, his eyes lighting up. The small, yellow mouse perked up as well, readying into a battle stance.

"Ash, we are probably in between floors. Plus, do you want to be responsible for the damage done to the elevator?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Ash had a tendency to rush into things without really thinking about the consequences first.

"You're right. Maybe that's not such a good idea."

We sat in silence for an unmeasurable moment. Both of us were entranced with our own thoughts. Ash, was probably still trying to figure a way out. I, on to other hand, decided our best bet was to wait for rescue so instead my mind began to wonder to other things.

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