Start from the beginning

"I don't want to wait that long." Minerva said. "Can someone carry her?" She asked.

"I'll carry her." Orga said and picked up his cousin.

"Oh Orga, watch out she can puke." You warned the male, he nodded and walked ahead of you.

"Come we'll show you the town while walking to Fairy Tail." Mirajane told the new Fairy Tail members. "That sounds nice." Rufus thanked the white-haired woman.

As you were walking around town, you were talking with Sting and Lector and noticed Minerva walking alone. You excused yourself from the conversation and walked to her.

"Hey, Minerva." You greeted the woman. "Oh, hey (Y/N)." Minerva greeted you back.

"Is everything okay?" You asked, noticing her body language. "You don't have to tell me if, you don't want to."

"I only have one question." Minerva said. "I'll answer if I can." You said honestly.

"Why are you so nice to us or me? I mean we were so mean to you and your guild during the Grand Magic Games..." The ex-Sabertooth member trailed off and you thought for the right words.

"That is because we are one big family. No matter how strong you are, or where you come from. We accept you as one of us." You eventually answered and Minerva looked a bit happier after hearing your answer.

"But I hurt Lucy so bad..." Minerva sighed.

"We know, but we forgive you, you are now part of our family. We don't mind what you did in your past, it's about your future with us as a family." You said and Minerva nodded.

"Can I ask you another question, (Y/N)? You don't have to answer if you think it's too personal?" Minerva asked. "Sure." You nodded.

"How did you join Fairy Tail?" She asked. "I'll tell you but another time, okay?" You answered and Minerva nodded.

Yeah, how did I join Fairy Tail?


You were four years old when your biological parents died, murdered. A Dark Guild had killed them. Luckily, you had survived the attack together with Mimi. The Dark Guild behind the attack was Tartaros, the guild of your cousin.

HE was jealous and angry because HIS family had disowned him, so HE tried to kill all of you, yet you and Mimi had survived his attack.

You and Mimi lived on the streets for about half a year. You only had your Snow Dragon Slayer powers, which, at that time, weren't even strong enough to hurt someone effectively.

"Mimi, I'm hungry." You said, as you had been walking for hours already. "Come on, (Y/N) maybe we can stay somewhere." Mimi said, hoping you would find a place to sleep soon.

It was dark and snowing and you were tired, yet you didn't feel the cold, thanks to your Snow Dragon Slayer powers. Because of your powers, you could keep Mimi a little warm with your body temperature.

At some point, you tripped over a loose stone and hit your head hard on the cold stone ground, causing everything to become blurry.

Mimi yelled out your name and the last thing you saw was a black figure walking towards you and picking me up.


When you woke up, you felt something warm wrapped around you. You opened your eyes and noticed you were lying in a white bed with a black blanket wrapped around you.

You looked around the room, which wasn't very big, but nit wasn't small either. One wall was light purple and the other three were black and one of the black walls had a window in it with curtains that were the same shade of purple as the purple wall.

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 (𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐄𝐔𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑)Where stories live. Discover now