Chapter One

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Chapter One

I pull up into the familiar parking lot and park in a spot close to the entrance of James Hillhouse High School. Reaching for my keys in the ignition, I sigh. I'll be fine, I just have to keep to myself and not draw attention. I twist the key in the ignition and pull it out tossing it into my purse. I push open my door, grabbing my purse and step out, shutting the door. I walk up to the building and pull open the doors, stepping into the cool building.

It's still hot outside, considering summer just ended yesterday. Luckily my school let's you wear shorts. Even above your fingertips. I guess they just don't care anymore, since nobody followed the rules last year, or the year before that or the year before that...

I can already feel myself getting a migraine as the chattering students talk obnoxiously loud about how they went to Florida or New Mexico. I hear one person say they went to France.

I'm relieved to hear two familiar voices call my name. I turn to my right and smile as my two best friends walk up to me with excited faces. "Hey guys," I say cheerfully. "Hey Mel," Isaac says coming in for a hug. I wrap my arms securely around him smiling. "I want a hug too," Sidney whines. I laugh and Isaac takes one of his arms away from me. "Get in here," he chuckles. Sidney giggles and joins in on our hug. I sigh in content.

This is what I missed, my two best friends. The only two people in the world, who truly understood me. Right here by my side, making me feel a whole lot better about today. I feel safer when I'm with them, like she can't hurt me, or at least won't try to.

We all pull away from the hug and grin. "So how was your summer," Sidney asks me. I roll my eyes. "Just as boring as I said when I was talking to you on the phone last night," I say. She nods and moves her body weight to her right foot then her left, and back again repeatedly. "How was yours? Oh mine was great. Thanks for asking guys," Isaac chimes in next to us. Sidney and I giggle and I playfully punch his shoulder.

"What did you do Sac," I ask grinning. He hates that nickname. He puts on a brooding face and crosses his arms. "You know I don't like that nickname Mel," he grumbles. "Just answer the question," Sidney says. He sighs and uncrosses his arms. "I went to Ohio, to visit my family. Nothing special," he says. Me and Sidney nod our heads. "What about you," he asks looking at me.

I shrug. "Just stayed at home and watched the little devil while my dad was at work," I say. They both laugh at my nickname for my little sister Bitsy. "Okay she's not a little devil, but she did call me a few colorful words when I did something she didn't like," I say. "And where did she learn those words," Sidney asks smirking. I roll my eyes again. "You can't expect me to be a perfect angel all the time, do you? Sometimes I slip up," I admit. They start to laugh but get cut off by the bell signaling first period.

We start to walk to our first period classes but stop when the people in front of us abruptly pause in the middle of the hallway. Isaac is about to yell at them, when we realize that everyone else in the hallway has stopped. What the hell is going on? I stand on my tippy toes trying to look at what everyone is staring at. The hallway is silent, except for a set of footsteps walking down the hall towards us.

Finally a person in front of me moves to the side and I get a glimpse of what everyone is looking at. Well I should say who. He walks down the hall with so much confidence. His black sunglasses resting on his messy jet black hair. His forest green eyes searching through the crowds of people. He's smirking, and I can't help but feel a certain way about that smirk. I remember that smirk. That smirk gleamed at me for three whole months.

It's now that I register the people walking next to him. Her. She runs her polished nails down his muscular arm. I can see him stiffen at her touch. She doesn't notice though and keeps walking with her red high heels and swaying dirty blonde hair.

I almost turn around and run, but don't when they walk right past us. She didn't notice me... She didn't notice me! Everyone turns to watch them walk away, forcing me to turn my head too, so there aren't possibly thirty eyes looking at me.

I can hear the whispers around me. Of course I'm not the only one shocked. It's Kayden fucking Carter for crying out loud. Nobody's seen him in four years. He was, and probably will remain the ultimate bad boy of New Haven, Connecticut. Every girl adores him and every guy envies him. He's like the town's own personal celebrity. If you don't know who he is by now, you literally must live in a cave.

I wouldn't care too much for his arrival, it's just me and him had a past. Well a brief one. The summer before I was going into highschool we hung out. It was your basic summer romance. We were inseparable, going to the beach and laying on the ground in my backyard, gazing at the stars. I thought I was in love. Hell, I might of actually been.

But like every cliche summer romance, it ended. There wasn't a goodbye, he just stopped coming around. When I started freshman year I soon learned he wasn't ever going to come around. Not to me, not to anyone. He had disappeared. Gone without a trace, leaving his family broken hearted and in shock.

Everybody had their own version about what happened to him. Abducted by aliens. Ditched town. Kidnapped. Everyone except me. I didn't want to think about the possibilities. I just pushed him out of my head. Eventually all the talk about his disappearance died down and something else became the talk of the town. Occasionally I would hear his name whispered, and feel this twinge of pain in my chest. But I had mostly forgotten about him, as well as everyone else.

So it's no surprise that everyone in a fifty feet radius of Kayden, is staring a hole straight through him. I already know he's loving all the attention he's getting. I think anyone in his shoes, would love it too.

I do have to admit, he got hotter. His hair black, it used to be brown. And his eyes seem to take on a darker shade of green then I remember. His smirk as prominent as always, showing off his cocky confidence.

She must be loving it too. She already attracts people like flies to trash. Wow, that's a really good representative of her and her followers.

I can't help but let a small smile slip onto my face.

As they walk farther and farther away from me, everyone seems to snap out of their trance and go back to their lives. But you can hear the talk. The question everyone is dying to know the answer to. What happened to him? Where did he go? Was he really abducted by aliens?

Like I said, I didn't make up a theory or go with anyone else's, but that doesn't mean I don't want to find out what happened. I'm burning inside to know where he went. Why he didn't say goodbye to anyone. But more importantly, why he didn't say goodbye to me.

//Hey guys, here is the first chapter of my second book.// I hope you like it and thanks for reading this far. // That picture is supposed to be Kayden. //You don't have to picture him as that if you don't want to. //He can be whoever you want him to be.// I just thought he looked like a bad boy and fit my given description. //Melanie's picture will be in the next chapter. //

If you have any questions, just message me and i'll be sure to answer :)

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