Chapter 5-The Failed First Attempt

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I looked down at Cassidy's grave stone. Upon learning that Bailey heard voices, I was lost. I don't know what to do. If only Cassidy were here to help.

I made Bailey a ham and cheese sandwich so that would bring a smile to her face but sandwiches won't help. I wish it could.

If only the answer to bring colour to a grayscale world sat between two slices of bread.

I began pacing back and forth. Tapping my lips with my index finger, I began searching for a solution.

Ok, so Cassidy gave me inspirational speeches, she pulled me out of some of my classes, she was a good person, she believed in me, she took me to the park, we got ice-cream, she took me to poetry night and she lent me 3 movies to watch which were inspirational but not cliché inspirational; 127 Hours, The Truman Show and Rush.

Mmm...I think I might have the perfect plan.

I took a long detour from the cemetery to school. I ended up arriving at school half way through my first class but I didn't care.

I couldn't wait for school to finish so that I could carry on with my plan. Time goes really slow when you want it to go fast.

Finally the bell rang. School was over for the day. I collected my things and bolted out of the classroom.

"Bailey!" I yelled.

She turned around, confused as to why I was so excited.

"You're coming to my place and we are going to watch 3 movies which are inspirational but not cliché inspirational! Don't even try to protest!" I demanded as I began dragging her along the footpath, "And I'm sorry! I forgot to buy popcorn!"

After watching the movies I realised maybe I should have came up with a better idea. I kinda forgot to tell Bailey the whole point to watching these movies, she kind of fell asleep on the couch and my whole inspirational plan, was an epic fail.

I might have to take a different approach than what Cassidy did. I don't know how Cassidy managed to do it but I'm not giving up.

ColourlessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon