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Large paws the size of dinner plates slowly making their way through an open field. The grizzly's heavy body combs through the brush smoothly, trying to find its next meal. Roots, berries, maybe a rabbit or mouse to feast on. The breeze blew through her fur softly with a single faint scent makes her snout jump and twitch for joy. Her brown and blue eyes close for sucking in the new smell.

She snorted loudly while turning to the flat rock that most animals avoid. The massive, most likely giant makes sluggish movements on the road where a roar-like sound cloaks her ears. Curiosity got the best of her, the scent and the unknown roar possessed her to approach forward and follow her incredible instincts.  

Crows called above, which made the bear wonder. She looks up and then back down to see a freakishly large wolf retreating from the hill. The bear couldn't help but trail behind her, her body slams on the dirt and grass as she got closer and closer to the wolf. The grizzly grunts with frustration for seeing the wolf in its territory. 

The large brown bear went into a trot and then into a full gallop toward her enemy. She gave a low growl for a warning but sprinted faster. The bear then sensed the wolf felt a larger presence behind her. That's when the bear lashed out its paw to swipe at the wolf.

"Off my territory!" the bear growled.

"I've always hated bears." snarled the wolf.

The grizzly quickly gets back on its hind legs to make itself taller and more dominant. The wolf barked with its upper lip peeling back to show its white daggers. The hair on its back stood up quite well with it giving a very accurate stance to show it was not phased by the bear's anger. The hump on the bear's back stood while its big head bowed and gave out a loud roar to make birds fly out of trees in fright.

"Go away!" the bear grunts.

The wolf did not reply with telepathic skills. The thing that made them both stop having a yell at each other was a loud engine. It was the same kind of roar that the bear heard earlier. The wolf turns its attention away from the bear to have a look at the flat rock. The grizzly walked toward the road as well, both animals are very confused and curious about this thing arriving at the area.

Griz drops on all fours and realizes the wolf was the same size as her. It was bigger than a normal wild dog, but others are much smaller. They both show signs of aggression from their previous standoff, also standing their ground to see a truck travel down the road. The wolf and bear look at each other as they wonder the same thing. 

What was a new animal on wheels?

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