Chapter 3: Rant's

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Hunter's P.O.V

She cleaned my wounds up and fixed them.

She kneels down in front of me and dabs my black eyes with a gauze. I flinch by each little touch.

"Can I ask you something?" I say


I actually might.

"Why aren't you scared of me?"

She stops with the gauze and looks down

"Because." She says, whilst getting up.


"Because I found a random bloody guy in an alleyway, and took the risk of me possibly being murdered. Which, might I inform you. Was a 99%."

I tilted my head in confusion

"Why did you take the risk?"

"Cause of you were going to kill me, you would've done it by now. And besides, if I were to die. No one would miss me." She just shrugged by snapped the FirstAid Kit shut.

"Oh don't say that."

"Well I just did. I mean, do you see a child running around? Or even a cat for that matter? Ya I might love them, but i don't own any. I'm a 25 year old surgeon who lives all by herself, and has lost total contact to all family members. And friends? I don't have any."

Damn, who new a beautiful girl like her had so much to deal with

Wait- what did I just think

"Look, I'm sorry but I did what I offered. I think you should go." She insisted.

I nodded and went to the door, uttering a quick 'thanks'

''Wait, I didn't catch your name." I said before she got the chance of slamming the door in my face

"That's cause I didn't throw it in for you to fish out." She grinned and shut the door.

God damn

I smirked and left the building.

Jack: where the hell are you?  -5:45P.M.

Hunter: no where, look, I'll be back just shut the hell up.  -5:46P.M.

Jack: OK, OK, I mean of you wanna hang with that girl, its fine. -5:46P.M.

Hunter: what?  -5:47P.M.

Jack: don't play dumb Hunter. We saw you. She patched you right up didn't she? ;) -5:47P.M.

Hunter: jack, I swear to god. I will kill you. -5:48P.M.

Jack: OK, I'll stop. C ya.  -5:49P.M.

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