Chapter 25: Kirish's Kingdom

Start from the beginning

"They want the world," Kirish finally replied.

It wouldn't have been the first time someone, or some organization wanted that.

"They're possessing Pokémon and bending them to their will," Yumin said, his anger emanating from him in concentric circles.

Zakana remembered the red eyes. The Abomasnow. The Blaziken, Empoleon, and Serperior. The names now easily came to him.

"Its so much more than that," Kirish said. "I haven't figured out all the details, but they're harvesting Pokémon."

"Harvesting?" Makua asked.

"Yes. They're sucking the life out of them, for their minerals, and their cells. But most of all for their vitamins." Kirish paused. "Pokémon vitamins are very efficient and powerful, apparently, if used to fuel things."

"The Viterals want the vitamins," Yumin said, making the connection.

"They're making them into machines!" Bambi cried.

"Yes. In a way," Kirish said, remaining calm. "For now that is what they will do. But soon their greed will grow larger than ever. They will want every Pokémon, every form, every vitamin there is to gain, and then run a monopoly on it. They have already been at work for too long."

"We grow locally here," Cecilia said. "The prices of everything. The food, the medicines, everything in PokeMarts and Pokémon Centers will skyrocket. It is already underway."

A discussion erupted as to how this was impossible. Zakana heard the arguments for both sides, and tried to see the truth himself. He heard snippets of conversations everywhere.

"Its better to keep your Pokémon unevolved," Cecilia said.

"They're using tracking systems to find Pokémon with higher heat indexes. Evolved Pokémon have higher heat indexes, but unevolved Pokémon have more valuable and malleable vitamins."

"So they can find the higher forms more easily," Yumin said. "But are really after the lower forms."

"They're after anything and everything," Kirish replied. "They know no bounds."

"Why?" Zakana found himself saying. "What's our family got to do with it?"

Kirish stared at her brother. She paused, unsure if he was actually joining in the conversation. Everyone drew in a collective breath. Kirish eyed every single person there and studied him or her. She knew and loved her own girls. She and Yumin had definitely already spoken about the trustworthiness of the strangers Makua and Farore. They had agreed. It was the inner circle. This was as close to family as it got.

Kirish unrolled a piece of paper from her hands. "It's the papers mom wanted you to get to me. Good job for protecting them."

Zakana considered them. "It seemed like a message from Team Rocket to dad. Why?"

Kirish looked to Yumin who took the floor.

"Uncle Durin works for an Organization called Team Crimson. As do I. It's not what you think. Team Crimson isn't perfect but we do good, and before The Viterals had a name, we opposed them. We opposed their approach to Pokémon. So did Team Rocket. For a time, we worked together."

Zakana looked back to Kirish.

She nodded. "That wasn't the only thing the letter said. It had a secret message, Zakana."

She held the letter up so that everyone could see the hidden orange letters underneath the ink print. "It's from one of dad's correspondents. Ashtyn Ketchum."

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