You Gotta Fight... For The Right... To Party. Part 1

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      “Where have you been hiding that little minx?” Sean asked him.

      “I have no idea.  Ever since I have met her we never really got along.  I haven’t hung out with her and I definitely have never seen her like this.” He replied.  Lana turned around giving the guys an arrogant smirk of her own.

      “Let’s go fellas, who’s the tight ass now Brennan?” she shot at him.  They walked over to the counter as Karis and Lana took their shots.

      “You started without us?” Sean said with mock anguish.

      “Well you snooze you lose.” Karis teased.  She poured another round of shots and then lifted her glass into the air.  Everyone mimicked her. “Here’s to us, the kick ass graduates of Dublin!”

      Everyone shot back the liquid.  Lana was quite impressed with the taste of the cinnamon liquor. It didn’t burn much and when she breathed out it tasted like Big Red chewing gum.  She immediately filled up another shot.  Lana felt more confident and more care free with each shot she threw down.  It wasn’t like she never drank before.  She had a couple of cocktails or glasses of beer now and then but she couldn’t recall a time she ever took shots like this.

      “I think I have had enough shots for right now.  Do you guys want to meet up with some of our friends?” Sean suggested.  The ladies agreed and after Karis made them some drinks they migrated into the living room that was across the hallway.  Lana studied the room before her.  There were cups and trash littered all over the tables and floor. The couches were filled with people talking animatedly to each other.  She notices a few large stains on the carpet where other partygoers must have carelessly spilled their drinks.

      “You coming Lana?” Brennan called.  She turned toward him and saw him across the living room joined by a large group of people.  She smiled and made her way over. 

      “Everybody, this is Lana and Karis. Ladies this is everybody.”  Brennan introduced casually.

      “Wow, Thank you Brennan for that amazing introduction.” Lana teased sarcastically.  He smirked playfully at her.

      “I know, I do what I can.”  A tall, dark haired, brown eyed guy stood up and made his way over to them.

      “Hey there, I am Trevor. I like long walks to the kitchen and nap times.”  He joked with them while shaking their hands.  He turned to Lana and said, “I am very glad that there is another American here.  These Irish folk can get a bit tiring.”

      Lana laughed while a couple of the guys started playfully beating Trevor up.  A red haired man made his way around the wrestling group and held out his hand.

      “I’m Will, I’m more of a lover than a fighter.” He slurred while giving them a wink.  A couple others made their way over and introduced themselves as well but with the combination of noise and intoxication, it was difficult for her to remember everyone.  Karis and Lana took a seat on the couch across from Brennan, Trevor, Will and a girl who hadn’t introduced herself.  She could tell she was attracted to Brennan since she had flirtingly flipped her long straight black hair about thirty-seven times in twenty minutes.  Why would anyone be into that arrogant man? She thought.  She scrutinized him carefully as he was in the middle of telling a very animated story.  Her eyes roamed over his entire body. From his dyed blonde hair that was styled to look messy, which she didn’t even get.  They lowered to his sapphire blue eyes that currently held a glint of excitement as he told his story.  Her eyes reached his lips which were moving a mile a minute and showed off his perfectly straight white teeth.  She scanned down a little further and could see the definition of his chest through his white T-shirt.  Her eyes shot back up to his face as he was coming to the end of the tale.  I guess he is attractive, when he isn’t being an overbearing annoying ass, she concluded.  She glanced the right of him and noticed the black haired girl glaring at her.  She rolled her eyes at her and then stood up clumsily.

      “Let’s play a game!” she suggested enthusiastically.  Almost everyone in the group complied.

      “Games are for children.” The black haired girl snipped while rolling her eyes.

      “Come on Quinn.” Will urged her.  Lana was tired of this rude girl.

      “No one said you had to play.” She said as she walked out of the living room and in to the kitchen.  She heard the group snicker at Quinn and felt the girl’s eyes on her as she left.  She started opening the drawers searching for a deck of cards.  Sean followed her after a couple of seconds.

      “What are you looking for? Maybe I can help.” He offered. 

      “A deck of cards,” She replied not even looking up from her task. “What is the deal with that Quinn chick?  Is she always this rude?”

      Sean let out a small chuckle. “She lives in Brennan’s building.  They have had this friends with benefits thing going on for the last two months or so.  I think her attitude is why Brennan has been trying to avoid her lately though.”

      “Aha! I found some!”  Lana yelled holding up a seven of clubs. She skipped past Sean slapping his shoulder in excitement as she went by.  She skipped up to the group, the action making her dress hike up with each skip.  Brennan’s eyes narrowed in on the exposed skin over her upper thigh.  He looked passed her and noticed that the action didn’t escape Sean as he stared delightfully at her backside.  Sean caught his eye then smiled and shrugged at him.  

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