The After Math

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 So I know a lot of you are wondering what happened after this. Well it turned out after I passed out Margret shot the guy, it was a fatal blow to the head and he ended up dying later that night. After graduating Margret started working to fund Naomi her little sister from before.

I like to believe Margret's the best detective out there but you never know. After months of being in therapy Sam recovered from the trauma of it all we continued on with our career. He says he's fine but I know he's never going to fully recover from that.

As for Margret and I, we're together now and yeah she's awesome. Naomi and Sam are friends, he helps her with her homework to the best of his capabilities. I'm in physical therapy to help me with recovering from the gun wounds but I'm still week. I hate to say it but I think Naomi is the strongest now.

Margret and Naomi live down the hall and everything is now right with the world. I have my best friend back, I've got a girlfriend, and although that's not a lot I feel like a king.


A lot of you had questions about what happened after and I know this is short but I guess I just wanted to give you a little relief. Thanks for sticking around through this whole thing. When I'm writing this I think I have like 3.5k views or something. Anyways thanks, and bye!


Gone ~Sam and Colby~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt