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 Beep Beep 

 The last thing I remember was the pain of the bullet going through my body and the feeling of blood. Everything was dark as if I wasn't awake. I couldn't move, or speak, the only thing I could do at this moment was think.

  My mind was still weak. It was silent in the room with the exception of a loud beeping. Every beep rang in my ears and shot a pain through my entire body. My breath was shallow and I could feel the rise and fall of my chest. 

 Without warning, there was a new sound that filled my mind, kind of like a door opening and then footsteps. The door closed and the room fell silent again. 

  "Hey Colby," The voice was familiar but I couldn't tell who it was. "Thanks, for everything. I really wish you hadn't done what you did. Life is barely worth it when your best friend's in a coma."  

    Sam where am I?  I tried to yell. Sam get me out of here!

  "You know they say people can hear what's going on around them when they're in a coma," Sam informed me. He always knew random stuff like that. It's been months since I got a random fact from him. I missed him. 

  Margret. The idea of her being on her own again made me cringe on the inside. Over the past months I had fallen in love with her and now she's gone again. As if he read my mind Sam chuckled. "You're probably worried about Margret, right?" 

  I couldn't nod to tell him he thought correctly, but I didn't need to. "She's fine. She just wanted to stay home today," He explained. A huge weight fell off my chest. 


 A waft of air stung my lungs as I shot up out of my bed violently. I thought it was all some bad dream until I felt a sharp pain in my mid drift. My breath was fast and hollow. The room was too bright for me to see but I could just barely see the foot of a hospital bed. 

  The door opened and a young lady walked in. She looked to be about 4 or 5 years older than I was, but she was still pretty young. Her face filled with shock when she saw me. "Oh Mr. Brock, you're awake. Good! I'll go inform the doctor, you just... stay here," She skipped out of the room, almost forgetting to close the door in the process.

  What had happened? How long was I in here for? 

 Before I could think up more questions a man who looked like a typical doctor with salt and pepper hair and a tamed beard. We talked for a bit, and he told me about my 'gun accident' and that I had a slim chance of living after. 

  When he spoke about my friends he referred to Sam as my brother and Margret as my girlfriend. None of those accusations were true but they just felt so real. We talked for about an hour before he gave me my pants and said he had directed Sam to bring me a fresh shirt. 

  The first thing I noticed when I took the hospital gown off was the wound in the middle of my torso, just above my belly button. It seemed to have healed but it was still big and swelling. After I got my pants on I stared at the hole in my stomach. 

   There was a small knock on the door. I put the bandage over the hole as I turned and rushed to answer the door. Sam and Margret stood there with hopeful looks on their faces. I took my shirt from Sam and we all sat down. 

  As soon as we did so Margret began filling me in on what had happened in the past 6 months I had been out. Apparently, I had woke up 7 times before but all those times I went couldn't remember anything and went back under. She told me she was starting to give up all hope and really didn't believe the call she got from the hospital so they had to wait a while, but I was awake now. 

  Sam stayed quiet the whole time she was talking. He stood up to leave us alone so he could sign me out. We stayed quiet. Just as I opened my mouth to say something Margret launched forward and pressed her lips against mine. 

 It started off slow but as we got more comfortable my hands found their way into her hair. Her arms laced around my neck as we pressed our bodies together. A knock at the door broke us apart. 


 Colby, Sam, and Margret now live a happy safe life together. 

 El Fin 


 Hola friends this is the last chapter to 'Gone' and I have no idea when I'm going to continue road trip. I go to a private school now so I'm swamped with homework and I'm going to be traveling a lot. Hope you like this chapter even if it is a bit sucky. Love Ya! 


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