1: The note

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Colby's POV

Everyday it was getting harder and harder to pass by the posters plastered all over the streets. He was gone, for good, why couldn't people see that? I saw that and I was the one person who didn't want to. I had spent the past year looking for him; wasting my brain power on finding someone I knew would never come back.

 I couldn't go one block without a reminder of the biggest mistake I had ever made in my life and I couldn't help but want to cry. Today was different, I felt like I was being followed and watched. Really I had ignored the feeling all day but it was terrifying really. 

 As soon as I closed the door my phone buzzed. Sighing I turned my phone on. It was a text from Sam's contact. My mouth hung open and my fingers shook as I read the text. 

From Sam: It doesn't matter what you do, you'll never find him. Go to the police with this and your little friend will be dead for good!

A shaky breath left my mouth as I reread everything, the text, the contact, the threat. 

To Sam: What kind of sick joke is this?

From Sam: Don't believe me pretty boy?

Face time request from Sam.

My whole body shoot as I answered the call. Sam was sitting on a chair with his hands bound to his back. His shirt was off relieving his bloody torso, he had scratches and mark all over his pail skin. 

 The light was just focused on him and the rest of the room was dark. "Sam." I stutter. "What do you want you sick freak?" I almost scream. There was a chuckle on the other side of the camera and someone dressed in all black stepped out from behind the camera with a whip in one hand and a knife in the other. 

 The figure grabbed Sam by his hair and made him look into the camera. His face was bruised and scared with cuts here and there. "You sick fuck!" I yell, almost in tears. It looks straight into the camera before holding the knife to Sam's face and cutting a thin line into the side of his cheek.

 "Stop!" My knees give out and my body drops to the floor limply. "Please stop." There are now tears streaming down my face as I watch this happen to my best friend. "Please, please stop." I beg. 

 Sam's eyes open slightly and he groans. "Colby?" His voice was raspy and deep. 

"Sam!" I scream. The figure tilts it's head to look at Sam before hitting him on the head wiht the but of his knife and he's out again. "Sam! Please, stop." I cry. The figure steps towards the camera and it all goes dark. 

 The tears fly down my face as I stare at my phone his disbelief. He was still alive, but not for much longer. 

To Sam: What do I have to do to get him back?

From Sam: Now we're talking,

To Sam: WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO! Stop playing games

From Sam: This is all just one big game Cole. Have fun playing.

The rage, fear, disgust and hate built up in my system. Behind me there was a knock at the door and a gasp left my mouth. Slowly I approached the door and looked threw the peek hole. There was a box that had my name on it.

 Looking around I slowly unlocked the door and pulled the box in. When it was fully inside I ripped it open. There were several pictures of Sam in the state he was in today and a couple of me walking around town/ sleeping. 

 Finally there was a picture of Sam and I together, written on the back it said "I can get you any time I want, but let's have some fun first." My stomach did a back flip. What the hell was this? My breath increased as I took everything out of the box. On the bottom was an address written in sharpie. 

 It was completely different hand writing than before meaning they were trying to cover up their tracks or there was more than one. On the side of the box, in different print, was another message. "Go there and maybe he'll get some clean water and good food?" I was shook. 

 This was it, I had to find it. The address. 

To Sam: What time should I be there?


I'm stealing ideas from 'Paper towns' like the clues and other things so some things might sound familiar.


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