Im sorry, I love you


I leave it where they would find it and head to my window. I take a picture with me. Once I have jumped I sneak away from the house and down the street before racing into an ally. I look at the picture.

How could someone do this too him?

From what I can tell he is tied to a tree although what one? I look towards the forest. I should start there at least. I run... No I sprint for the tree line just wanting my baby to be home and safe, his mom must be worried sick. I pray they didn't see me running because from the house you can see the whole field and treeline. As soon as I hit the tree line I slow down slightly and change into a wolf before I carry on running. I may be pure white but dam I can stay hidden like I was never there.

Run just Run keeps going through my mind. I stop completely and listen out. Nothing. I try to sniff him out although I cant pick up a scent. It helps that I know what he smells like.

--Time laps--

I have been searching for what 12 hours and I am still wanting just too run. Luckily its still light, for how long or I don't know. This is what it feels like when you loose your loved ones. You would run as far and as long as needed just to protect them. I am now so deep in a forest I am lost. I listen in again and this time actually hear something. Before I run too it I sniff. Metal. Tobias use to smell of metal and sweat although it was a good combination. I run towards the sound.

"UGHHHH" I hear a muffled scream. I go up and stand behind a tree. I see a lot of people. I stealthy sneak around them and by the bushes. Theres a sound of metal hitting a body followed by another muffled cry in pain. I take a look through. Tobias. He is now stung up to a branch by his hands and is being hit with metal. I feel the sadness take over but the anger fights it off and now all I feel is rage. I see the metal being lifted up again. I run out just before it makes contact with his skin and bite down before landing on my feet after pulling it out their hands.

I turn and look at the person before throwing the metal away like a dog throws a ball. I aim for one of the people and success although it hits their arm not there head. I take another look at the person in the middle. They take their mask off and I recognise that face. David. He was the one that killed my parents.

"Ah how lovely for you to join us 'Tris.'" Tobias' face shoots up and he looks at me.

"Alaska" He whispers. I look away and still listen to him. "You need to run, he just wants to kill you. Please Alaska run"  He whispers again. I shake my head and growl as David bends down to my height.  He doesn't turn into a wolf although I know he wants too. I watch his every move before changing back into 'Tris'.

"Let him go." I say firmly to David.

"No we will still kill him, we just want to have some fun first" My fists clench into a ball as I get ready to take the first punch. I take a quick look around and see the other people get ready take me down. Shit im out numbered. I am about to change but instead am tackled down to the ground.

"TRIS!!!!" Toby shouts.

"OI!" I hear a angry shout but its not Tobias its the opposite way. I look at the voice and see Uriah, Zeke, Tori, Christina, Will, Shauna, Marlene, Lynn Tilly and Evelyn all stood there.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER NOW!!!!" Zeke shouts. Hes pissed. When he is pissed he is scary. They all come in and attack, Zeke and Uri changing  while the others throw punches and kicks. I hear a howl to the other side and see the pack we were in when my parents died running full speed as wolves towards us and attack Davids guys. Carl, the alpha who is like a big brother too us three, changes into himself and pulls me up after getting the guys off me.

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