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Emery's POV

He just froze there, not saying a word. My palms are sweaty and I feel like I might pass out, my phone is blowing up with notifications, most likely people telling me how shocked they are.

"Ricky, please say something.." I beg as I step closer, he blinks and says nothing. It's nerve racking; "you lied to me.." he whispered as tears began to run down his face. "Ye-Yes, I did. I'm so sorry Ricky, I never meant to hurt you." I say and step closer, he just steps back.

"I almost died because of you! I thought you didn't love me! But you did, yet you let me suffer! Why would you do that to me?!" He yells as he punches my chest. "Because, I thought that, that was the only way to get you to realize that we were over!" I say taking his hits.

"You're sick! Stay away from me Emery!" He yelled and stormed out. "Ricky wait!" I chase after him until we're in an alley way behind the hotel. I grab his arm and spin him around "please, I love you.." I whisper, he just huffs. "Love me? Please, you only love yourself" he tries to pull free from my grip but I won't let him, I'm not letting him go this time.

"I came out for you! I may have ruined my career for you!! And you're saying I don't love you?!" I yell as I push him against a dumpster. "No one asked you to do that! Just leave me alone Emery" he yelled and struggled against my hold, I wasn't budging.

"I love you" I say and leave a kiss on his forehead, he calmed down a little. "I love you" I say again, and leave a kiss on his nose, " I love you" I leave a kiss on his right cheek and he calms even more. " I love you" I leave a kiss on his left cheek and he puts his hands on my shoulders. " I love you" I leave a kiss on his chin and he closes his eyes, "I'm so in love with you" I say and leave a gentle kiss to his soft plump lips.

"I love you too" he says and pulls me in for a passionate kiss, I haven't felt that in a while. Our lips move in sync, as they fit together like two puzzle pieces. He wraps his arms around my neck as mine go around his waist, the kiss gets more heated and teeth and tongue gets involved.

We're moving our hands across each other's bodies, like we're just discovering each other for the first time. I feel some tugs on my hair, some squeezes of my ass and hands under my shirt. We're kissing frantically, like it was our first; Like our lives depends on this kiss.

We move together as one, as do our lips. It's like nothing in the world can pull us apart, it's filled with passion, love, anger, lust, betrayal and so much more. We finally pull away to catch a breath, "I love you Emery, but it's going to take some time to forgive you." He said and walked away, that's better than nothing.

Just a crushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora