A Letter To My Little Sister

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                Dearest little sister,

                A very happy birthday to you love!

I still remember the beautiful day when papa brought you in my arms; you opened your eyes and looked at me. At that time, I was a grumpy eight-year old who had absolutely no idea what was going on. But I can never ever forget your tiny, dark eyes and how they looked at me!

Very often, I find myself getting back to the same day, in my memories; the day you were born and we first met. I can't remember much; but I can never forget the strange euphoria I experienced when I first held you in my arms.

You have always been a blessing! I know how much I have fought with you, scolded you and even hit you. I know that I have been wrong; but trust me love, I have loved you beyond my capabilities! You have unknowingly taught me some of life's most precious lessons; and I am so glad that you are such a loving, cherished part of my life.

Dearest little sister, you are turning thirteen this year, which means that you will no longer be a tween. Teenage is pretty exciting! It is one of the most breathtaking phase of one's life. Teenage is like a preparation for adulthood. Between the ages of thirteen and nineteen; you experience a lot of things. It is during this time that you finish school, become eligible to vote and also apply for a bank account and driver's license. It is during this time that you decide what career you wish to pursue later in life. It is during teenage when you are finally old enough to take certain responsibilities. You are treated like a grown up; you are considered to be mature enough to handle certain things. On the other hand, teenage can have it's own counter effects.

You will grow. You will experience sudden whims and change in your thoughts and actions. You will feel as if everything is going against you. You will feel as if no body is trying to understand you; as a result, you will become rebellious and whimsical. Don't panic! I understand that it's not completely your fault. As I said, you will grow. Your hormones will trick you into believing as if everything is against you. Don't worry! I am there by your side. Talk to me about it. Share your feelings. It will definitely help you calm down a lot.

Growth will come naturally to you. You are a beautiful, doe-eyed young lady who will blossom into a powerful, beautiful and confident young woman in no time! I have seen the spark of confidence in you; the urge to be someone. I have seen that hint of curiosity in your eyes. Don't ever change that! Try to learn things on your own, read, explore and venture out to find yourself.

Make your own decisions. Don't let someone decide your life. Get yourself involved in matters of your life. Talk to maa and papa about the things you wan to do in life. I am sure they will be glad to discuss it all with you. Take responsibilities. Start doing easy stuff on your own. Take responsibilities of things you think you can handle on your own.

There will be times when you will not be able to decide things for yourself. Don't panic! Feel free to ask us. We are always there for you.

Dear little sister, try to reach out of your comfort zone. Take up challenges that will in a way push you out of your comfort zone. Take up challenges that would strengthen you for life. Do things that will make you stronger; that will teach you something. Have impetus for life! Live it to the fullest! Do not restrain yourself to the conventional ways. Be experimental; tread the paths where no one has gone before, make a mark for yourself! Be a leader!

Find a hobby that arouses you. Pursue it to the fullest; you will cherish the feeling for life!

Read! Read until you drop! Books are one of the greatest friends we can have. They teach us so many lessons in the most amusing ways possible. Books are one of the best things on the planet. They will take you to an adventure, inside the earth, on a distant planet; in the middle of a mystery all within the comfort of your own home.

Dear little sister, remember I will always love you forever. Because for me, you will always be that little child that was placed in my arms and the one I watched growing. You fill me with unknown pride, strength and happiness. You are my biggest blessing till date and I will always be there to love and protect you; I promise that!

Love you always,

Stay Blessed,


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