Chapter 11

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Pan kept pulling you away from Felix holding tightly onto your arm. He was taking you closer to the fire and all you could imagine was him torturing you to teach you a lesson by burning you. "Let go" you said trying to jerk away from him. You were about to try to hit him with you other hand when you suddenly were forced down onto a log. You looked at him confused he smirked at the confusions on your face. "What did you think I was going to do love" he took some steps away from you like he was leaving, but he stopped where you couldn't see him. You didn't notice that he stopped behind you. So you started looking around a little and you noticed you were basically alone over here. All of the other boys were over where you had been before. "You could run" you thought to yourself. You started to stand up, but felt two hands on your shoulder push you back down. Your body instantly tensed knowing who it was. "Oh love" pan held onto your shoulders as he leaned in closer to your ear. "You weren't thinking about leaving were you." he purred into your ear. The he tisked at you "just as I was about to give you a reward for winning you have to try and run away again. Even after you have already agreed to stay here." Your eyebrows came together confused "what kind of reward could he give you. All you wanted was your family back." you thought. "Wait was he going to let you see them sense you had beaten Felix." a little knot formed in your stomach at these thoughts. "Had you just messed up a chance to see your family" you thought then you asks in a small voice "What do you mean reward." He sighed "well it doesn't really matter now does it (y/n). I can't give it to you after what I just saw you try to do." You almost felt like a kid in trouble the way he was talking to you. You were getting mad but not just at pan at yourself too. Because you just knew his little reward had to do with something about them. "Then what are you going to do" you asked still looking ahead at the big fire. You felt him shift behind you and you tensed up a little as his hands moved over your shoulders. "I don't know you did win that game even though you cheated." He took in a big breath contemplating things. Then you felt his breath on the back of your neck as he exhaled. The hair on the back of your neck stood up and you could feel the little goosebumps forming. "You know what" his hands squeezed your shoulders a little. "I'll just call this strike one. I mean I wouldn't want to ruin what's going to happen tonight." He said letting go of your shoulders. You relaxed then letting a big breath out as you realized that you had been holding your breath. Then you took in a breath closing your eyes trying to calm down. Pan stepped over the log and sat beside you. You looked over at him wondering what he was going to do next now that he said nothing bad was going to happen to you. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a flute. You looked at him unamused "you're really going to play a song. I doubt that will make me like you more." you said dryly. He smiled obviously amused "we'll see about that." He put his lips to it and started playing. It was strange because it was like you could almost hear it but not all the way. Then all the boys started getting around the fire dancing. You watched them and you had a slight urge deep in your chest to join them, but you shook off that feeling. Pan pulled the flute from his lips, but you could still hear the distant music. "Can you hear it?" he asked and his voice sounded far away too. You looked confused "no" you said. You didn't know why you were lying about it, but you were. He smirked at you knowing you were lying to him. He could tell you were hearing it, but not all the way or you would be dancing with the boys. "Interesting" he said more to himself then you. He shrugged and then he got up leaving you. You wanted to get up and leave, but it was like you were drunk and your body wasn't working. You weren't sure how long pan had been gone but you just kept watching the boys dancing around the fire. Then you looked around the fire and saw Felix sitting on a log too. "Could he not hear the music like the boys" you thought. He was looking down playing with a knife in his hand. You kept staring at him wondering why then he looked up right at you. You couldn't look away, though because his scratch that you just put on his face. It was now just a scar that was totally healed. Your eyes widened in shock "what the hell was happening. How did that even happen." Your thoughts were stopped by someone pressing their fingers to your temple. You couldn't even react to it because you started instantly falling asleep. "Goodnight love" Peter whispered in your ear before you passed out.

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