Chapter 2

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He brought his hand up and you closed your eyes expecting the worst. "You know I've never heard of you before" he said and ran his fingers down your cheek. You opened your eyes surprised and shocked why was he doing this and who was he you thought. You could see the pleaser in his eyes from all the distress he was causing. "Leave all of them alone" you heard rumple call but you couldn't see him. The boy looked past you and you saw a pissed look come over his face. "Well if it isn't my favorite person" he said gritting his teeth. You were glad his attention was off of you. "What do you want" rumple said dryly. "What no how are you here how did you survive just what do you want you know I though you had better manners than that." Pan said stepping past you towards rumple. You wanted to turn and look at them but you couldn't. Rumple didn't say anything "well considering your not saying anything I guess I'll do the talking" pan said walking some more. You heard some rustling like one of them was getting something out of there pocket. "Wait that's the" but rumple stopped mid sentence so you figured pan froze him in place too. "What the hell did you do to me" you heard rumple say in a pissed off tone. So apparently he let him keep talking. "I made it so you can't move" you heard pan say. "I won't let you do this. I won't let you unleash that on this town not when everything is just getting back to normal not now" you heard rumple say. It was like he wasn't talking out loud it was like he was talking to himself. "Oh stop rambling it's too late. Your to late all of you are to late" pan said and you heard him walking back towards you. He stepped past you holding something in his hand. Oh god you thought that's the curse he is going to unleash a cure on this town. "You see I've already unleashed the cures and that smoke should be here any minute. Don't worry I'm not going to take your memories or anything like that" he said smiling a little "but because I can see that you care for the people here in going to take their lives" he looked at you "starting with this one" he tilted his head as he looked at you. You stomach dropped and your heart raced. He was going to kill you first if you could move your body would have been shaking in fear. "No" rumple started to scream but stopped. "Screaming not going to help you now laddie" pan said and then you saw it the thick black smoke coming down the street. You tried everything to move but you couldn't. You looked away from the smoke at pan as he looked at you smirking then the smoke engulfed him and soon you. You tried not to breath hoping that would help but soon you were unconscious and helpless.

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