Chapter 6

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Pan instantly smiled when you said you'd play "you know I almost thought you wouldn't do it." He pouted out his lip and made his eyes soft looking down at you. "What's the game"'you asked coldly. He sighed "trust me, you don't want to start right now. Because I wouldn't say you're in the best position to get away from me." He said smirking at you. You tried to move to the side of him, but he put up his arms on either side of you blocking you in. You looked up at him "So let me guess the game is something stupid like I have to run away from you and you chase me." You backed up so your back was pressed into the tree not wanting to be close to him. "You know that's such a childish and stupid game." You said glaring up at him. He laughed at little "well you almost got the game right, but instead of me just chasing you were going to be trying to "kill" each other. You see it's not just a game your playing, it's a test." He moved closer to you and leaned his head down you tried to push into the tree more but you didn't go anywhere. "I want to see if your worth my time. Because I would hate to waste my time on a girl who wouldn't have lasted a minute in neverland." You looked down away from him "you don't think I'll win do you." You looked back up at him and he tilted his head a "that means you would have to kill me" he narrowed his eyes at you.

" You looked back up at him and he tilted his head a "that means you would have to kill me" he narrowed his eyes at you

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Then he smirked a little "I mean miracles do happen." He paused "but not in my world" he said in a less playful tone. Your blood ran cold as when he said that "are we going to play or are you just going to keep me against this tree all day. He smiled down at you "what's wrong, you don't like me being so close love, " he grinned at you and brought one of his arms down. You breathed a sight of relief thinking he was letting you go, but then your whole body went rigid when his fingers lightly ran up your arm. You jerked your arm away from his hand "don't touch me" you said threw gritted teeth. "Or what?" He asked, still grinning at you. Then he started moving closer to you and you decided you had enough. You balled up your fist and hit him across the face. Then you pushed on the tree and brought one of your legs up kicking him in the stomach. The last part backfired on you a little because as he was stumbling back, he grabbed your leg and threw you to the ground. There was a stinging pain in your side and you groaned as you rolled over onto your back. "You know you're a touch little thing" pan said and you sat up on your elbows looking at him. He walked over so he was beside you "but you've got fire I like that. Maybe it will keep you alive long enough." He bent down so his face was level with yours. "You see it's not a matter of if I "kill" you because I know that's going to happen. The real question is how long can you last before I do."

You glared at him "then why don't you just kill me now" you asked "get it over with if you know you're going to win

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You glared at him "then why don't you just kill me now" you asked "get it over with if you know you're going to win." He grinned a little "because what's the fun in that. So go on, " he stood up, motioning with his hand for you to go. "You have about, oh, I don't know until I get bored standing her head start so I'd use it." You stood up quickly and started running away from him having no idea where you were going. You were stumbling even worse then before when you were running and the constant slap of the branches didn't help. "Great" you thought "I have to try and "kill" him even though I don't have any weapons, don't know where I'm going, or where I am to begin with. Ya this will work out great."

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