It keeps getting worst

Start from the beginning

“Babe, babe come on baby we have to go we have to follow the ambulance” I hear Lou say I can’t move I’m frozen I think I am in shock. I feel myself been scooped up.

“Where’s my baby” I keep muttering no one is answering I feel myself start to get annoyed.

“WHERE IS MY BABY!!?” I yell I feel Louis Grip tighten on me.

“Shh Baby calm down she will be ok she will be ok she has to be ok” I hear Louis say he doesn’t sound reassuring.

When we get to the hospital I still can’t seem to move I am lifted out again by Louis and we run to the hospital, we get to a desk.

“Grace Tomlinson” Louis ask I keep saying her name softly I feel like we have been waiting for her for ages.

“she is currently in surgery if you go up the 3rd floor and wait in the waiting room” the lady says I hate not knowing I hate that I don’t know if she will survive I feel tears roll down my face again and my chest starts to feel tight and I struggle to breath why can’t things be right why does life have to keep throwing curve balls. It is all my fault I should have gotten her of that stand it should have been me who go shot why I didn’t stand up when I knew she needed me.

It’s my fault, my fault if she dies it is all my fault.

“El sweetie it really isn’t you fault none of us could have stopped this please baby please don’t blame yourself” I hear Louis say to me trying to calm me down.

Please god please let her be ok I starts to pray.

“Why Louis why our daughter” I ask him

“I really don’t know sweetie but we need to be strong for her we need to make sure when she wakes we are strong for her” he says to me he is right we need to stay strong for her.

“I’m going to clean myself up a little bit” I say before slowly getting up

“I’ll come with you baba” Perrie says getting up with me I kind of forgot they were here, it is just the boys and Perrie though I notice.

“she is a fighter El she will be ok” Perrie says once we get to a bathroom and she pulls me for a quick hug before she wets some tissues and starts to wipe my face for me I lean against the wall feeling exhausted.

“There you go baba all clean” she says to me “you don’t need makeup to cover up” she sings brining a little smile to my face. I’m so thankful for her these last few months with everything with Grace there is an understanding with them that I think has made things easier for Grace to adjust and trust us, besides from Lou she is also becoming a rock for me especially when we were in America and Grace told us her story she let me cry to her and here she is again trying to make me smile.

“Thnkyou Perrie thnkyou for everything” I say to her looking her in the eye to show how thankful I am

“It’s no problem El that what best friends and sisters are for” she says again pulling me in for another hug.

“now let’s go see if my favorite niece is out of surgery yet” she says pulling me out of the toilet back to the boys what I see in front of me makes me feel really sad yet slightly happy.

Louis POV

I can’t believe this is happening it all seems to happen so fast first she is getting of the stand she is crying so much I can’t wait to hold her in my arms take her mind away from all the pain. The next thing I know she is been shot I jumped from my seat running for her I hear El scream from behind me I get to grace there is so much blood.

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