Let it begin

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(Play song) this was done on my laptop)

(Play song) this was done on my laptop)

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Sombra's P.O.V

Today was the day, finally a easy win. I chuckled to myself as I walked outside of the school building. I told Lena to meet me by the track, so we can meet the guys. The track was behind the school, it was one of those type that looked like we got it from a private school. I can't wait to see Genji's face when he sees he is facing Lena. I bet he will act like this will be an easy win for him, but it wont. As I got closer to the track I could see Lena with her orange googles on. They were her lucky pair, she wore them for every composition she went to. Every time she wore them she won. I just know Lena would win the race, and Genji was going to lose. It was all apart of her plan, plus they had a bet earlier on the phone. As I got closer to Lena, I could tell she was ready to face the world. "Lena you look ready. Now we are just waiting for Hana and Mei." Lena looked over at me with a face of pride. " They are here. Hana and Mei are down at the field taking to the guys. They said I couldn't go down since it would ruin the surprise." Lena said. " Well lets not keep the party waiting, remember Lena let him think he winning then blow him away." She nodded her head, then we headed towards the field.

As the two headed towards the field they could see Mei and Hana right next to the boys. Which the boys being Mccree, Hanzo, Jamison, Lucio, and Genji. " Oh looks like the hacker has finally showed up. I was about to leave." Genji yelled out. " Sorry to keep you waiting, I had to get my racer ready." Sombra moved to the side to reveal Lena, who looked adorable. Lena was wearing an white olympics t-shirt with small orange track pants. (AKA her track skin) Sombra could tell that only two of the boys were staring at her. " Your ready playboy" she called. Genji looked away. " I am always ready" Lena and Genji walked over to starting line which was a big white line on the gravel floor of the track. The two got in their position, as Hana walked over with a toy gun in her hand. Hana aimed the toy gun, then "BANG". The two toke off like race cars. Genji was ahead with Lena lagging behind. Genji smiled then chuckled " Is this all you can get Hacker." But in instant as those words left his mouth a blur flew by him. All he could make out was the colors of white and orange. Lena had blazed past him like a tornado. Before he had a chance to catch up the she was already over the finish line smiling with joy in her eyes. Genji could not believe that this girl was able past and beat him at his own game.

Sombra smirked as she looked over at Genji then ran over to her sister and gave her a huge. Genji who was still shell shocked that he lost growled at Sombra. He was so pissed that he did't notice Lena walk up to him. " That was a great race" she said while adding one of her cute smiles. He turned to look at her, but wishing he didn't. Genji could feel his face heat up as he looked into her eyes. Before he could say anything Sombra got in his way. " Well, well well, Sparrow looks like your luck has just ran out. Now comes the deal." Genji knew it was time to pay up. " What do you want in return, Sombra." he said with a bit of a anger in is voice. " I want you to make an alliance with me. You know to combined are groups." He looked down at the ground with disgust. " Fine, are groups can join together." The two shock hands and walked back towards their groups. The girls cheered as the boys looked down with misery. Lucio then walked over to Lena, with a face full happiness. He always wanted the guys to join the girls since he was friends with everyone. He then congregate her on winning the race against Genji.

Genji's P.O.V

Genji could feel his face turn hot with anger. Half of it was from the race, but the rest was from her. That girl was so dam cute, she was always so cheery in class. She never gave anyone a hard time, always helping out. *GGGGGRRRrrrr* Why is this happening. He should not be feeling this way, only when he trying to get another play toy. (AKA he is to young to be having sex so don't think that!) Why was she making him feel like this. When he turned to look at her, he saw the frog DJ taking to her. This made him feel like he was going to burst. I dumb ass frog trying to be friends with everyone. Genji was about to go end their little conversation, but Sombra got in the way again. " Sparrow I want your group to meet up at my house tomorrow for some games, or I can tell the whole school about this race." He looked directly in to her eyes. " You wouldn't dare." She smirked " Oh yes I can. Yes oh yes I can. I ruptured the whole thing one tape." She then held up her phone. Genji tried to steal her phone and break it, but she instantly moved away from his reach. " To slow Sparrow" She giggled. Sombra then put her phone in her pocket while smirking evilly at Genji. To him her eyes were looking into his soul. " I don't have much of a chose do I" He said, which she in instantly said "yes". "Ok, what time". She smiled " 3: 15 P.M at my house." Then she turned back to her group. Her posse left the track to probably celebrate their victory. " Told you, you shouldn't have did a bet with her. She is planning something." said Mccree. Hanzo looked down at his brother while shaking his head. " It was obvious Mccree-san, that she was planning something. Now we just have to wounder what is it she is thinking."

The boys wounder what was in store for them tomorrow. To Sombra her plan was coming into play. You all have to wait and see!


Hey everyone sorry for the late entry, I am working on a new book that will be published after I make the second chapter. And OMG you guys are awesome 508 views, this story will soon catch up with This Little Light of Mine. XD but to more import things I am going to Stream tomorrow at 2:15 P.M to answer a question about This Little Light of Mine and A Little Treat! My name on Twitch is WarriorWolves!

I want to thank these guys for helping me and inspiring me to continue
Please check them out and thank them they are great!!

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