The walk home

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(Play song when ever)

Lena ran down the hallway to her locker. Grabbing everything she, so she can meet Sombra and Mccree outside. She could feel her phone start to buzz, so Lena knew they were getting impatient. She threw everything in her backpack and ran to the door. While Lena was running to the door she passed by the gym teacher Zarya, who was very impressed about this kids speed. Zarya thought to her self that tomorrow she will ask this kid to join track.

Lena burst threw the doors with such incredible speed that she almost fell flat on her face. Her siblings were trying to hold in their laughter from Lena dramatic jump. "What toke you so long Tracer." Giggled Sombra, who was doing her best to stop laughing. "Oh, some kid stopped me from leaving the class room." But before Lena could explain Mccree jumped in. " Who is bother you Lena, if they do it again I will make they wish they never came here!" "No, they weren't doing anything to bother me brother. They were just wondering what all the fuss was about." Lena chirped back, she was trying not to sound defenseless.  She knew these two loved her more then ever and they will hate to see her hurt. "Well we better get going or edge lord with have are butts." Said Sombra, who was still giggling at her brother and sister.The other two shook their heads and followed Sombra's lead.

"So Lena how do you like Overwatch?" Lena turned to Mccree and said it was "great, everyone was so nice." Sombra started laughing for no reason at all scaring her siblings a bit. " Well Lena you all ready have a fan of you." She started to crack up again with Mccree joining her. Lena could all stare at them, she had no idea about what they were talking about. "What do you mean fan?" This just made them laugh more. "Remember on the bus-." Mccree's hand covered Sombra's mouth. "It's nothing Lena, let's get home." Mccree gave Sombra the death stare, but Lena still didn't know what was going on. They walked home in silence for a bit, but when they were in front of their house Sombra asked Lena a question that was bothering her. "So Lena so who stoped you from leaving the class room?" Lena turned to her and tried to remember the boys name." His name was Ge...Genji I think." This gave Sombra a little weird feeling. It was like the same feeling when she saw Lucio blush at Lena. After their little chat they went you separate ways.

Lena put her backpack in her room, and went to go check if her dads were home. She ran to the living room then the work area which was the office next to the kitchen. They weren't home yet, so Lena grabbed a sticky note A  wrote a message for her fathers. It read " I am going out for a run."  She then posted it in to the fridge. Lena grabbed a water bottle and headed outside. Even for her age her fathers liked that she went on running a lot. It was great for her it helped her think about things happening in life. Sometimes Lena would run so fast that you can only catch traces of her. That's why her nickname is tracer, she always like the name tracer. Lena really didn't know how far she was going until she was in front of her school. She stopped to look at the building, thinking she this new school is her start in a better life. It reminded her of her old school, where she was... Lean looked away from the building and ran bake home. She could feel tears fall from her face, why did she have to remember that hell. She was crying so much that she ran straight into someone. "Are you ok, wait Lena!?" yelled the voice. Lena looked up to see Lucio staring right at her. She tried to hide her face, but to no avail. " Lena are ok, why are you crying." She responded with it's nothing which he didn't believe. " Lena it is ok, please don't be scared to tell me what happen. You will feel better. Everyone in this school treats everyone like family, so don't cry any more." "ok" she said.

The two sat against the wall of the school. Lena had her knees against her chest while Lucio was sitting with his legs full out. "It all started in my old school. I had no one on my side, they would come at me every day. My dad could do nothing, he tried so many times to help me but the teachers would block him off. I was the punching bag for so long. I can still feel the bruises and cuts."  She started to cry again. Lucio pulled her in to huge, he was going to be her shoulder to cry on. They stayed quiet for the rest of the time, this made Lena fell better. " Thank you Lucio, you don't know how much I wanted to tell someone that story. It feels good to just be heard, but can you promise me something?" He looked in to her eyes. "Yes" It came out like a whisper. "Please don't tell anyone else, I don't want anyone else to know about this. Can you promise me that please?" Her eyes were filled with despair, but if you look close enough you can see a small light of hope. " I will you can trust me with my life." he said with a supportive smile. Before either of them could say anything else Lena's phone started to ring. She looked to see who was calling, it was her dad Jack. She answered " Lena are you ok, where are you right now?" " In front of my school." Lena was trying to hide her voice by acting cheery. " You went that far." The line went silent. "I am not alone dad, I am with a friend."  She could hear him sigh with relief. " Ok, but please come home. Sombra has been looking for you." "Ok Dad!" after the "I love yous" she hung up on him. " I have to go now Lucio, thank you for making me feel better." She smiled at him. When she turned away she didn't see his face turn beat red. " no problem Lena you can tell me your problems anytime you are feeling down." She smiled at him then waved goodbye, then toke off sprinting towards her house. Lucio watch her leave with a smile on his face. Oh he was falling hard.


Hey guys I told you I would make a chapter today, sorry it toke so long I was playing to much Overwatch and World of Tanks. I have been told that this book is the best thing ever. You don't know how happy I was to hear those words. I will just say the person that told me to make this is Wizardwolf1020, please check them out. So are you guys scared that Genji will lose his chance with Lena, because of Lucio. >:) Tell me down below if you want! If you want check out my Tumblr my name is WarriorWolves4, if you want to play a game or see some art.
WW41 out~

A little treat (Genji x Tracer)Where stories live. Discover now