Chapter 15 Double date

Start from the beginning

He smiled back. I cut up a bit of pancake and put some bacon on top of it, I gestured it in front of Knox.

"Just try it I promise you won't regret it."

He rolled his eyes and took the fork from my grasp, he put the combination in his mouth. His faced turn from screwed up to impressed, I told him not to knock it before he tried it.

"You were actually right for once. That was really nice."

"See I told you would like it...hey what do you mean for once?"

He chuckled, I picked up my mocha and through it all down him. Everyone turned their heads to look what was going on. Knox had a shocked expression on his and not going to lie so did I, what came over me to do that? He picked up his coffee and was about to throw it over me when I spoke,

"Wait! Wait! Wait this is Gucci."

"Yeah but your face isn't"

With that he threw the coffee all over my face, it was a good idea that I didn't put make-up on this morning.

"I guess all that make-up your wearing is going to be smudged."

He chuckles to himself.

"I'm not wearing any make-up actually."

I dived over the table and crashed straight into him causing us both to topple back in the chair. We landed with a giant thud that echoed around the whole room, everyone gasped that caused us both this time to break out in hysterics. The manager walked over to us and looked extremely pissed off.

"I want you two clowns out of my hotel now!"

He pretty much shouts at us, Knox and myself pull up off the floor and run out the restaurant.

"I'll grab the bags and you meet me outside in the car."

I chucked the keys to Knox and ran for the elevator in my heels. Once I arrived at my level I skipped to my door and unlocked it as fast as I could. I grabbed all the bags and essentials that was ours before locking up behind me and running again. I gave the key to reception and dumped the bags in the boot of the car before hopping in the passanger seat.

"I take it I'm driving then?"

Knox says putting the car in gear, I nod in response and look out my window as we pulled away from the curb.

I ran upto the door of Castle Bam and opened them. There was not a sound, was anyone in today? Most probably still asleep seeing as its only 9:30. I ran back outside to help Knox in bringing in the bags, well mainly bags that contain everything of mine! I ran them up the stairs and tiptoed across the landing and into my room well mine and Ape's room. I opened up the door to find she wasn't there, I shrugged my shoulders and dumped them on the bed. I caught a glance of myself in the mirror, there was coffee stains all over my face, neck and even in my hair, I couldn't help but break a smile.

"Yay your back."

I turned around and saw Bam standing in the doorway of the bedroom. He was in a pair of pink boxer shorts, a white tank top and he had his hair going in all different directions.

"Well don't you look pretty this morning."

I smile, I blow him a kiss and he blows me one back, its what we do now seeing as we can't properly kiss each other.

"Do I dare ask what happened to you?"

He tilts his head to the side and examines my body.

In love with a Jackass (Bam Margera/Jackass fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now