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I knew I was leaving my boundaries. I didn't care. The dangerous thing resided within my boundaries and I felt to find safety, I must leave. I did not dare go back to my house which was only separated from his by a white wooden fence. I kept running until I reached my asylum.

I stopped and took several deep breaths when I reached Sarah's dad's house. I was thankful that today was a day she was on this side of town. Once I arrived I ran straight for the door and rang the bell. A beautiful twenty-something woman answered the door.

"Becky?" I questioned after assessing this situation. I lost my manners in my haste. I had not seen this woman before so I went on assumptions.

"No. Amanda... and you are?" She said with a heavy southern accent while flipping her long blonde hair causing her bangles to jingle.

"Eh... Clyde," I responded embarrassed at my rudeness.

"Clyde that's a funny name. You must be one of Sarah's little friends," she said pausing to examine me. "Are you okay sugar? You are as pale as a ghost and your neck is all red."

I covered my neck with my hand "Is Sarah in?"

The door closed behind me shielding me from the darkness and the beasts that thrive in the night.

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